Here are some useful blogs I found in CodeForces.
Note that:
- This list can be treated as an extension of catalog, since much of these tutorials are included in catalog but the others are collected by myself.
- The same blog may be included in this post twice or more.
- Blogs to ask questions are NOT included in this blog, since they seemed not quite useful to CP.
- If there are any blogs that I have missed, please tell me in the comment section. Thank you very much.
Hint: you can use Ctrl+F to search for information here.
General Advices
- How to use Codeforces [GUIDE]
- [Tutorial] The command line: how to read input from file without #ifdef and much more
- After a Round FAQ
- [Tutorial] How to read editorials
- Pro Tips — get them while they are free
- Interactive Problems: Guide for Participants
- The Reason You are Bad at Codeforces — You are Not Russian Enough
- All You Need is Randomly Guessing — How to Improve at Codeforces
How to come up with solutions?
- How to read problem statements
- How to come up with the solutions: techniques
- Characteristics of the optimal solution, a technique for finding observations in a problem
- On "is this greedy or DP", forcing and rubber bands
- How to prove your solutions in Competitive Programming
- How to solve problems
- How to Solve Questions [Dominater Version]
- How to Effectively Practice CP + Problem Solving Guide
How to practice?
- F.A.Q. (in PM)
- My opinion on how to practice competitive programming
- Self-deception: maybe why you're still grey after practicing every day
- How to practice Competitive Programming [Um_nik version]
- [Tutorial] A Way to Practice Competitive Programming : From rating 1000 to 2000
- [Tutorial] How to learn better, and what most people don't get about learning
- How to Effectively Practice CP + Problem Solving Guide
How to ask for help?
- [Tutorial] Collection of little techniques
- General ideas
- A bit more of general ideas
- Tricks that I learnt while practicing
- The Ultimate Topic List (with Resources, Problems and Templates)
- A Huge Update on The Ultimate Topic List
- Problem Topics
Binary and Ternary Searches
- EDU: Binary Search
- The most comprehensive Binary Search lecture
- Binary search implementation
- Binary search on real values
- Bin search and relative error
- [Tutorial] Binary search and other "halving" methods
- Parallel Binary Search [tutorial]
- Tutorial On Tof (Ternary Search)
- Multi-dimensional ternary search
- Binary Lifting, No Memory Wasted
Constructive Algorithms
Data Structures
- Algorithm Gym :: Data Structures
- [Tutorial] Supporting Queue-like Undoing on DS
- [Tutorial] Supporting Priority-Queue-like Undoing on DS
- [Tutorial] Kinetic Tournament (Used in FBHC Round 2)
- Tutorial on Permutation Tree(析合树)
- Introduction to New Data Structure: Wavelet Trees
- [Tutorial] On Range LIS Queries, Part 1
- [Tutorial] On Range LIS Queries, Part 2
- Sqrt-tree: answering queries in O(1) with O(NloglogN) preprocessing.
- [Tutorial] Minimum Deque
- Palindromic tree: behind the scenes
- A bit more about palindromes
- Unknown Data Structure — (Sqrt Fragmented Tree)
- [Tutorial] Reachability Tree / DSU-tree
- A Well-known Data Structure -- Version Tree
- “Log Decomposition”, a technique to insert random elements into sorted data structures
- [Tutorial] The sparse set data structure
Fenwick Trees (BIT)
- Binary Indexed Tree
- [Tutorial] Searching Binary Indexed Tree in O(log(N)) using Binary Lifting
- Understanding Fenwick Trees / Binary Indexed Trees
- Nifty implementation of multi-dimensional Binary Indexed Trees using templates.
- [Tutorial] A Bit of Math, Historic Sum, and Range Add Range Sum Binary Indexed Tree (Fenwick Tree)
- [Tutorial] Initializing Binary Indexed Trees in linear time
- Fenwick tree: initialization in O(N)
- [Tutorial] "1354D — Multiset" + A Gentle Introduction to Fenwick Trees
Segment Trees
Ordinary Segment Trees
- EDU: Segment Tree, part 1
- Algorithm Gym :: Everything About Segment Trees
- Segment Tree
- Generalizing Segment Trees with Rust
- Efficient and easy segment trees
- An efficient way to strengthen up your segment tree.
- crazySegmentTree: Segment Tree implementation with 5x faster queries than bottom-up tree
- Segment tree with insertion and deletion operators.
- Push-Free Segment Tree
- A Slight Generalization of Push-Free Segment Trees
- Easy and (Semi)Efficient Dynamic Segment Trees (with Policy Hash Tables)
- Compressed segment trees and merging sets in O(N logU)
- using merging segment tree to solve problems about sorted list
- Minimum memory consumption by the segment tree
- Non-recursive segment tree tutorial
- Should you practice segment tree if you are below purple?
- [Video Tutorial] Majority Element Range Queries (Segment Tree)
Other Segment Trees
- [Tutorial] XOR Segment Tree
- Modular Segment Tree with Lazy Propagation
- AlgorithmsThread Ep 3: Segment Trees (+ hard ST Problem)
Segment Tree Beats
- A simple introduction to "Segment tree beats"
- Video: Segment Tree Beats
- AlgorithmsThread Ep 4: Segment Tree Beats
Segment Tree Problems
Binary Search Trees
Balanced Trees
- AVL tree without "big rotations"
- "Merging treaps" -- or how to merge sorted sets in good complexity...
- Algorithms Thread 9: Treaps (+ Gym Contest!)
- [Tutorial] Splay Tree: One Tree to Rule Them All
- Splay tree and its implementation.
- Splay tree tutorial
Cartesian Trees
- Cartesian tree
- [Tutorial] Cartesian tree and some related problems
- Implicit cartesian tree in GNU C++ STL.
Link-cut Trees
- Link-cut tree tutorial
- Maintain subtree information using link/cut trees
- [Tutorial] Subtree lazy propagation on the link-cut tree
- Link Cut Tree implementation
Disjoint Set Union
- [Tutorial] Proving the inverse Ackermann complexity of Union-Find
- DSU with randomized linking is as fast as with rank heuristic
Sparse Table (To Solve RMQ Problems)
- [Tutorial] Sparse table
- [Tutorial] Sparse table
- About performance of sparse tables
- [Tutorial] Range minimum query in O(1) with linear time construction
- 2D Range Minimum Query in O(1)
- On Multidimensional Range Queries
- Memory-optimal Range Queries and Updates in logN
- Some method for solving RMQ
- Algorithms Dead Episode 2: RMQ Tricks!
Persistent Data Structures
Other Integer Sets
- [Tutorial] A powerful representation of integer sets
- Partially Ordered Sets
- About ordered set
- Venice Technique
Solving Other Problems Using Data Structures
- Dynamic connectivity problem
- Divide and conquer. Dynamic connectivity offline and DP optimization. Divide and conquer by queries.
- [Tutorial] Divide and Conquer Offline Query — A Niche Way to solve Static Range Query
- The Akra-Bazzi theorem — a generalization of the master theorem for recurrences
Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Programming Type
- Everything About Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Programming Optimizations
- [Tutorial] Non-trivial DP Tricks and Techniques
- Dynamic Programming: two trainings by SPbSU students
Types of DP
- A little bit of classics: dynamic programming over subsets and paths in graphs
- [Tutorial] Recurrent Sequences — Application of combinatorics in DP (basics)
- Kadane's Algorithm — (Dynamic Programming) — For new Solvers!
- [Tutorial] Dp with connected components, a simple way to understand it.
- [Tutorial] Product Trick
- Tutorial — "Randomized" DP leading to state elimination
- Hirschberg's Algorithm
DP on Trees
Digit DP
Plug DP
- 1D1D-optimization
- [Tutorial]Using Segment Trees to solve Dynamic Programming problems
- Theoretical grounds of lambda optimization
- Incredibly beautiful DP optimization from N^3 to N log^2 N
- Simple DP optimizations
- DP on Function Calls — Remove a Log Factor
- Dynamic Programming Optimizations ( Problems )
- DP optimization tips
- [Tutorial] Rotating calipers technique and its applications
- [Tutorial] Rotating calipers technique and its applications, Part 2
Convex Hull Trick
- On convex hull trick and e-maxx-eng
- [Tutorial] Convex Hull Trick — Geometry being useful
- Tiny Dynamic Convex Hull Implementation
- Efficient 3D Convex Hull Tutorial
- Dynamic convex hull implementation
- Fully Persistent Convex Hull Trick
- AlgorithmsThread Episode 6: Convex Hull Tricks
- [Tutorial] Li Chao Tree Extended
- [Tutorial] Li Chao Tree Extended 2
Slope Trick
- Geometry: 2D points and lines [Tutorial]
- Geometry: Polygon algorithms
- Easy geometry using std::complex
- [Tutorial] Solving Interval Problems with Geometry
- Some rotational invariants in geometry
- Extremal Triangles
- [Tutorial] Voronoi Diagram and Delaunay Triangulation in O(n log n) with Fortune's Algorithm
- Quaternion algebra and geometry
- Geometry shrink trick
- Pythagorean triples and Pell's equations
- [Tutorial] Nearest Neighbor Search: Locality-Sensitive Hashing, K-Dimensional Tree, Vantage-Point Tree
- AlgorithmsThread 7: All Point Pairs
Game Theory
- Nim (Algorithmic Game)
- The Intuition Behind NIM and Grundy Numbers in Combinatorial Game Theory
- Nimbers and Sprague-Grundy theorem
- A blog on the Sprague-Grundy Theorem
- [Tutorial] Slight Generalization of Grundy Numbers
Graph Theory
- Algorithm Gym :: Graph Algorithms
- Basic Graph Theory
- Graph Theory Concepts and Problems.
- [Tutorial] 2-SAT
- 2-SAT Tutorial
- Vertex cover and 2-SAT
- Faster Dijkstra on Special Graphs [Tutorial]
- Add edges to a digraph to make it strongly connected
- Articulation points and bridges (Tarjan's Algorithm)
- Online Query Based Rerooting Technique
- Heuristic algorithm for Hamiltonian path in directed graphs
- Traversing the complement graph in linear/near-linear time in multiple ways
- Story about edge coloring of graph
- Merging Queries Trick
- A Brief Inquiry into Online Connectivity
- Maintaining mst with online edge insertions — no LCT needed
- [Tutorial] Online Dynamic Connectivity
- [Tutorial] Hungarian algorithm in Õ(mn) or O(n^3)
- [Tutorial] The DFS tree and its applications: how I found out I really didn't understand bridges
- [Tutorial] Directed DFS trees (and the Tarjan algorithm for Strongly Connected Components)
- My own algorithm — offline incremental strongly connected components in O(m*log(m))
Shortest Paths
- 0-1 BFS [Tutorial]
- [Tutorial] 1-K BFS
- [Tutorial] k shortest paths and Eppstein's algorithm
- Rethink the Dijkstra algorithm -- Let's go deeper
- [Tutorial] The Floyd-Warshall algorithm and its generalizations
- Shortest Path Modelling Tutorial
- A list of important concepts in Tree-based Problems
- Algorithms Thread 8: Tree Basics (+ Gym Contest)
- On Euler tour trees
- [Insight] Number of Topological Orderings of a Directed Tree
- [Tutorial] Path sum queries on a tree using a Fenwick tree
- Bridge Trees [Tutorial]
- Finding Bridges Tutorial
- [Tutorial] Binary lifting
- [Tutorial] Tree Isomorphism CSES
- [Tutorial] Diameter of a tree and its applications
- [Tutorial] Fully Dynamic Trees Supporting Path/Subtree Aggregates and Lazy Path/Subtree Updates
- Optimal 2/3 halving in interactive tree problems
- K-th smallest edge on a tree's path, a tutorial about its approaches
- [Tutorial] Boruvka's Algorithm
- The Ultimate Reroot Template
Heavy-Light Decomposition
- Hybrid Tutorial #-1: Heavy-Light Decomposition
- Heavy-light decompositon — it can be simple!
- Easiest HLD with subtree queries
- Heavy-light decomposition implementation
- [Idea] Using HLD to reduce memory
- [Tutorial] Theoretically Faster HLD and Centroid Decomposition
- Non-Recursive HLD Implementation
- Tutorial on Heavy Light Decomposition + Problems
Centroid Decomposition and similiar
- Centroid Decomposition on a tree(Beginner)
- Hybrid Tutorial #-2: Centroid Decomposition
- [Tutorial] Theoretically Faster HLD and Centroid Decomposition
- Shallowest Decomposition Tree
DSU on Trees
- [Tutorial] a few strange lca algorithms with a few strange time complexities pt 1
- LCA in logN — Binary lifting, Video tutorial
- [Tutorial] Blossom Algorithm for General Matching in O(n^3)
- Randomized general matching with Tutte matrix
- network flow
- [Tutorial, Flows] Project Selection Problem
- [Tutorial] My way of understanding Dinitz's ("Dinic's") algorithm
- [Tutorial] Minimum cost (maximum) flow
- [Tutorial] More about minimum cost flows: potentials and Dinitz
- [Tutorial] The residual graph and working with the set of all minimum cuts
- [Tutorial] Network simplex
- Kőnig's and Hall's theorems through minimum cut in bipartite graphs
- [Tutorial] Simulating Cost Flow
- Implementing Dinitz on bipartite graphs
- [Tutorial] Graph Potentials, Johnson's Algorithm, and Min Cost Max Flow
Greedy Algorithms
- [Tutorial] Matroid intersection in simple words
- [Tutorial] Greedoids: a formal way to look at families of greedily-solvable problems
- [Tutorial] Rolling hash and 8 interesting problems [Editorial]
- Analysis of polynomial hashing
- Kapun's algorithm
- On the mathematics behind rolling hashes and anti-hash tests
- XOR Hashing [TUTORIAL]
- Number of Solutions to a Linear Algebraic Equation
- An interesting algebraic construction
- [Tutorial] 2-SAT
- 2-SAT Tutorial
- [Tutorial] Floors, ceilings and inequalities for beginners (with some programming tips)
- An efficient way to solve some counting problems without matrix multiplication
- Snapshot of finite calculus and using it to solve a 3000 rated problem
- [Tutorial] Investigating the Harmonic Numbers
Bitwise Operations
- Bitwise operations for beginners
- Bitwise operations 2 — popcount & bitsets
- A Beautiful Technique for Some XOR Related Problems
- XOR basis without linear algebra
Number Theory
- Essentials of Elementary Number Theory
- Finding minimum residue of a linear function in O(log M) time
- On the Min25 sieve and extensions / SPOJ ASSIEVE
- [Tutorial] Chinese Remainder Theorem
- p-adic exponent or why there is a primitive root modulo powers of prime numbers (except 2)
- [Tutorial] Berlakamp's Algorithm for Polynomial Factorization in a Field (1698G buffed)
- [Tutorial] Euler's phi function, its properties, and how to compute it
- Lucas Theorem is not an equation, it's an operation!
- Recovering rational number from its remainder modulo huge integer
- Integer solutions to x² + y² = z
- Number of positive integral solutions of equation 1/x+1/y=1/n!
- Some useful conclutions for some naive algorithms to solve number theory problem
Euclid's Algorithm
Modular Arithmetic
Modular Inversion
Primes & Divisors
- Counting Divisors of a Number in $$$O(N^{\frac{1}{3}}$$$) [tutorial]
- Counting primes in $O(n^{2/3})$
- Implicit Prime Factorisation
- [Tutorial] Number theory — Storing information about multiples/divisors
Prime Sieve
- Prime Factorization In log(n) After Sieve
- Extensions of the Prime Sieve
- Sieve Methods : Prime, Divisor, Euler Phi etc.
Möbius Inversion
Dirichlet Convolution
- [Tutorial] Math note — Dirichlet convolution
- Dirichlet convolution. Part 1: Fast prefix sum computations
- Dirichlet convolution. Part 2: Dirichlet series and prime counting
Probability Theory
- Sums and Expected Value — part 1
- Sums and Expected Value — part 2
- [Tutorial] Expected number of coin flips required to achieve a given string
- Probability 101, the intuition behind martingales and solving problems with them
- [Tutorial] Inclusion-Exclusion Principle
- Young Tableaus and the Hook Length Formula
- [Tutorial] Invariants and Monovariants
- An intuition and simpler proof for Kirchoff's tree theorem
- Lattice paths and Lindström–Gessel–Viennot lemma
- MacMahon's master theorem
Burnside Lemma
- [Tutorial] Burnside's lemma (with example)
- [Tutorial] From Burnside to Polya: A Short Introduction to Group Theory
Stirling & Catalan Numbers
- Stirling numbers with fixed n and k
- Catalan Numbers and Generating Uniform Balanced Bracket Sequences
- [Tutorial] Catalan Numbers and Catalan Convolution
Linear Algebra
- A Beautiful Technique for Some XOR Related Problems
- Linear Basis (Xor Basis Extended)
- 2 Special cases of Gaussian [Tutorial]
- [Tutorial] A comprehensive guide to permutations for beginners
- Permutation group basis construction (Schreier–Sims algorithm)
- Derangement Generation of an Array [Tutorial]
- An efficient way to map a permutation (length 11 or 12) to an integer without using std::map
Polynomials, Series and Recurrences
- Lagrange inversion theorem
- Lagrange interpolation and partial fraction decomposition
- Computing n! modulo pᵏ for small p
- Calculating Series Sums with Binary Exponentiation
- How to composite (some) polynomials faster?
- The discrete derivative, falling factorials and polynomials
Generating Functions
- Generating Functions in Competitive Programming (Part 1)
- Generating Functions in Competitive Programming (Part 2)
- A problem collection of ODE and differential technique
- Prefix Sum Polynomial
- Combinatorial species: An intuition behind generating functions
- Unlabeling combinatorial species (cycle index series)
- Moment-generating functions, inversions and q-analogs
- OGFs, EGFs, differentiation and Taylor shifts
- Fast polynomial composition
- Solving the "simple math problem" with generating functions
- Useful substitutions with generating functions
- Partitions and pentagonal number theorem
- Arrow product: How to enumerate directed graphs
- Shift of polynomial sampling points
- Unexpected application of cosines
- [Math note] On the relationship between gf and me
FFT and Similar Transformations
- [Tutorial] FFT
- Tutorial on FFT/NTT Part 1
- Tutorial on FFT/NTT Part 2
- Fast Fourier Transform and variations of it
- Operations on Formal Power Series
- Operations on polynomials (on cp-algorithms)
- Fast convolution for 64-bit integers
- CDQ convolution (online FFT) generalization with Newton method
- Notes on FFT / NTT, and the "ultimate" NTT with modulus > 9 * 10^18
- [Tutorial] Generalized Chirp Z-Transform
- Discrete Fourier Transform eigenvalues
- A simple way to understand the transposed algo of multi-eval
- An unexpected D&C with FFT
- Tutorial: A simple O(n log n) polynomial multiplication algorithm
- Introducing the imaginary cyclic convolution, speeding up convolution by a factor of 2
- Montgomery/Barret reduction and NTT [Performance optimization]
Bitwise Convolutions
- Generalized FWHT: How I realized I did not understand FWHT
- Tutorial on Zeta Transform, Mobius Transform and Subset Sum Convolution
- Fast Walsh Hadamard Transforms and it's inner workings
- Subset convolution interpretation
- Optimal Algorithm on Polynomial Composite Set Power Series
- OR Convolution for Common People
- [Tutorial] GCD Convolution
- [Tutorial] Zeta, Mobius Transform to AND, OR, GCD Convolution
- [Tutorial] XOR Convolution without math
Linear Recurrences
- Linear Recurrence and Berlekamp-Massey Algorithm
- [Tutorial] Berlekamp-Massey
- On linear recurrences and the math behind them
- Recovering a linear recurrence with the extended Euclidean algorithm
- [Tutorial] Solving Linear Recurrences with various methods, Including O(N logN logK) using FFT
- Hadamard product and binomial convolution of linear recurrences
- Half-GCD algorithm
- [Tutorial] An elementary way of solving recurrences
- Multi-dimensional ternary search
- Theoretical grounds of lambda optimization
- Duality in linear programming. Part 1 — definition and construction
- Duality in linear programming. Part 2 — in competitive programming
Abstract Nonsense
- Permutation group basis construction (Schreier–Sims algorithm)
- Associativity and general identity testing
Non-exact and Randomized Algorithms
- [Tutorial] Simulated Annealing in Competitive Programming
- Randomized algorithms lecture, part 1 & 2
- On the Number of Runs at the Monte-Carlo Method
- Randomized general matching with Tutte matrix
- How randomized solutions can be hacked, and how to make your solution unhackable
- Increase the chance of a random algorithm passing by abusing TLE verdict on Codeforces
- A (Somehow) Simple (Randomized) Algorithm for Frobenius Form of a Matrix
Square Root Techniques
- [Tutorial] Square Root Techniques
- Sqrt-tree: answering queries in O(1) with O(NloglogN) preprocessing.
- Sqrt-tree (part 2): modifications in O(sqrtN), lazy propagation
- Unknown Data Structure — (Sqrt Fragmented Tree)
- [Tutorial] Subset Sum Square Root Optimisation
SQRT Decomposition
- [Tutorial] Square root decomposition and applications
- What's slower than a segment tree and needs some more space to be free ?
- SQRT decomposition and Mo's Algorithm
Mo's Algorithm
- Mo's Algorithm
- Mo's Algorithm on Trees [Tutorial]
- An alternative sorting order for Mo's algorithm
- Mo's Algorithm (with update and without update, now you can understand both)
- [Tutorial] Two ways to apply Mo's Algorithm on Trees
- [Video Tutorial] Range Queries with Mo's Algorithm
- SQRT decomposition and Mo's Algorithm
- Palindromic tree: behind the scenes
- A bit more about palindromes
- The history of some recurring problem
- [Tutorial] Expected number of coin flips required to achieve a given string
- Random notes on Lyndon decomposition
- Hunt-Szymanski Algorithm Explained (LCS but optimized for special cases)
KMP Algorithm
AC Automata
Manacher's Algorithm
Suffix Automata/Trees/Arrays
- Suffix tree. Basics. Building in O(nlogn)
- Suffix tree. Ukkonen's algorithm
- suffix automata
- A short guide to suffix automata
- [Tutorial] Dynamic Suffix Arrays
- Obtaining suffix array from suffix automaton
Z Algorithm
Other Matchings
- [Tutorial] Dictionary of Basic Factors — O(1) String Matching
- [Tutorial] On Variations of String Matching
Sweeping Line
- How to sweep like a Sir
- [Tutorial] Finding inclusion hierarchy among circles — An implementation of a sweep-line algorithm
Two Pointers
Tips & Tricks
- C++ Tricks
- C++ tips and tricks
- Template Metaprogramming in C++ Part 1 / Infinity
- [Tutorial] On lambdas, C++ and otherwise: the what, the why, and the how
- Competitive C++ Manifesto: A Style Guide
- C++11 for programming contests...
- C++17, competitive programming edition
- std::generator and recursive lambdas in C++23
- N Dimensional Vector (For std::vector Addicts!)
- Don't use rand(): a guide to random number generators in C++
- A way to use C++ iostream for large input (gcc only)
- Explanation to weird/strange floating point behaviour in C++
- How NOT to use macros
- Performance tip : using std::deque as a memory cache
- How to get actual 64 bit bitsets on Codeforces [Not Recommended] [Don't do this at your job]
- Dynamic Bitsets in GCC
- [Tutorial] Writing C++ like Python: tricks Python doesn't want you to know
- [C++] Avoiding temporaries — generalizing i++ using std::exchange
- [Tutorial] Common Mistakes in Competitive Programming and How to Avoid Them
Debugging Tools
- [Tutorial] GCC Optimization Pragmas
- Tutorial on SIMD vectorisation to speed up brute force
- 4-5x Faster Drop-in Replacement for std::lower_bound
- Introducing My Fast I/O Library for C++
- Catching silly mistakes with GCC
- You won't believe how this simple trick defeated the unexplained bug destroying every top LGM
- Blowing up unordered_map, and how to stop getting hacked on it
- Anti-hash test.
- [Tutorial] Hacking a weak hash
- On the mathematics behind rolling hashes and anti-hash tests
- A tool for hacking rolling hashes with fixed modulos and bases
STL & Policy Based Data Structures
- C++ STL: Policy based data structures
- C++ STL: Policy based data structures. Part 2
- Implicit cartesian tree in GNU C++ STL.
- Generic data structure templates via C++ mixins
- About a general reader / writer for STL-Structures,
- C++ STL: Order of magnitude faster hash tables with Policy Based Data Structures
CodeForces Extensions
- CF-Predictor — Know your rating changes!
- Codeforces Practice Tracker — Browser Extension
- Presenting Codeforces Optimal Theme
- | Efficient Codeforces Practice
- Colorize standings by used programming language
- Average number of problems solved during a contest per rating
- Multiple rating graph with other accounts
- Have you already seen the history of ratings on clist?
- Codeforces Problem Tracker Chrome Extension
- CF Static Site Enhancer — Browser Extension
- [chrome extension] Codeforces Customizer
- Google Chrome extension for automatic sample case testing on Codeforces
- Dark mode in codeforces
- Chrome/Firefox Extension to analyse Codeforces profiles
- [BrowserExtension] : New Year Before New Year?
- Gym Finder
- Userscript: table view in Catalog
- Finally, semantic search for competitive programming problems
- Codeforces Visulaizer
Other Tools
- Sublime Text [FastOlympicCoding] — tools for competitive programming
- [Tool] Graph Debugger
- A tool for testing interactive problems
Code Libraries
- AtCoder Library
- New online judge: Library-Checker!
- (The Ultimate) Code Library
- Introduction to CPLib — Modern C++ Library for Test Data in CP
Problem and Contest Preparation
- 10 Reasons to Prepare Problems in Polygon
- [Tutorial] Polygon.Codeforces Tutorial — A Guide to Problem Preparation [Part 1]
- [Tutorial] How to use polygon.codeforces in problem preperation?
- Polygon: Warnings for Packages — Incomplete Tests + Statement/Validator Mismatches
- Polygon: AI-Powered Automatic Tips
- Automatic Translation of Problem Statements in Polygon
- Polygon Updates (Fall-Winter 2014)
- Codeforces Updates (April-May, 2015)
- Testlib and Polygon Updates (June, 2015)
- Testlib and Polygon Updates [July, 2018]
- Polygon updates (June-October 2019)
- Polygon Updates (June — August 2021)
Preparing with testlib.h
- Briefly about testlib.h
- Generators with testlib.h
- Validators with testlib.h
- Checkers with testlib.h
- Interactors with testlib.h
- Testlib: Opts — parsing command line options
- Testlib: tests + CI
- How to come up with problem ideas
- Way of problemsetter
- What is it like to be a problem writer?
- Problemsetter's Memoir
- On problemsetting
- On problemsetting 2
- About Problemsetting (for AtCoder and Codeforces)
- [Problemsetting] How to write editorials for a contest
- Insights from testing and preparing contests, and why problemsetting trends need to change