Timosh's blog

By Timosh, history, 6 weeks ago, In English

I managed to solve 2 problems on Codeforces Round 1004 (Div. 1), which may not be much, but it was quite frustrating to see that I was ranked 800/1080, while I was used to seeing something like 300/27K on Div. 2s. Is it even worth taking part on Div. 1s as a CM?

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By Timosh, 3 months ago, In English

Hello, everyone!

I’d like to share a problem I came up with, which I believe to be quite unique (as I haven’t come across anything similar elsewhere).

I’ve created many problems for various platforms, but Timosh and Number Theory is the one I consider the most original. I hope you find it intriguing!

The problem is quite challenging — only 5 participants managed to solve it under contest conditions. If you’re looking for an even tougher challenge, there’s a harder version available: Timosh and Number Theory #2.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on this problem!


Solution(Easy version)
Author's code
Shorter solution by one of the solvers

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By Timosh, history, 5 months ago, In English
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By Timosh, 9 months ago, In English

In the recent National Olympiad in Informatics in our country, there was a problem, that many struggled to solve, it was worth 16 points, for being "the hardest problem". I got a great result then, for solving it fast. However, I forgot the actual solution. Anyways, here is the problem statement, ignoring the stories and drama:

You are given 3 integers, $$$a$$$, $$$b$$$ and $$$n$$$. Your task is to find any integers $$$x$$$ ($$$x \ge a$$$) and $$$y$$$ ($$$y \ge b$$$), such that $$$xy \ge n$$$, and $$$xy-n$$$ is minimised

I remember using a $$$O(\sqrt{n})$$$ solution, but not what it actually was. Anyone has ideas?

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By Timosh, history, 11 months ago, In English

I always wanted to help organize a contest, however I see almost every problemsetter is atleast a master. On top of that, I tried to create a problem statement in polygon, it was sophisticated, all those validators, chekers, thing called testlib.h. So, I want to atleast be a tester of a contest. Who can tell how to be one?

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By Timosh, history, 11 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces. Recently I faced a problem which I couldn't solve in an hour. It is as follows: Max Sum Subarray of atleast 2 numbers. Of course, for just max sum subarray it is Kadane's algorithm in O(n) time, however, I couldn't think of a way to solve for atleast 2 numbers faster than O(n^2). Any idea or a solution?

UPD: Thanks everyone. Now I know how to solve this problem

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By Timosh, history, 12 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

This is my first ever blog entry. My name is Timur, 15 y.o., from Uzbekistan. I joined Competitive Programming recently(even though in Codeforces for 4 years). From a young age i thought coding was fun, so I found out about competitive programming, and started out with Robocontest(uz). Solving problems was like a logic and an intuitive puzzle, if it's easy, you find solution immediately after reading the problem, if it's medium, you think a little bit and still find a solution(maybe not), but if it's hard, then you don't even try to do it. Same with Codeforces, never did a F|1800 task. It's crazy that some people can solve them in 5 minutes O-O. And all those data types, structures, algorithms. brrr. Anyways, I hope to get help and support from the community, and maybe meet some friends. :D

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