I managed to solve 2 problems on Codeforces Round 1004 (Div. 1), which may not be much, but it was quite frustrating to see that I was ranked 800/1080, while I was used to seeing something like 300/27K on Div. 2s. Is it even worth taking part on Div. 1s as a CM?
Depends on your goals. If you wanna beat tourist someday — you should participate in Div. 1s.
If you are worried about rating, your rating is not going to change a lot (I think). If you are complaining because you used to be on the top 1% of a contest and now you are on the bottom 20%... do div. 4 contests, I guess haha
Seems consistent to me.
You can get top300, where only 2100- rated people are participating. When 1900+ are participating, you're placing lower as expected, cause the number of high rated people that are participating officially is much bigger.
As far as rating goes, you won't be able to participate in div2 once you hit 2100. If 2100 is your final goal, maybe it makes more sense to only particiate in div2 contests, however I dooubt it will make much difference, cause it's not just your place that matters, but the participants' ratings, that are above/below you.
You should reach your true rating regardless. I think that might be less random in div2.
Yeah, Thanks. I expected Div. 1s to be somewhat harder compared to that of Div. 2s, and the problems to be non-standard, requiring a lot more insightful ideas. On top of that, competing with Masters, GMs. Anyways, I will be taking Div. 1s regardless, as I believe I will get as comfortable as I did with Div. 2 when I was a pupil or so.
It was my first div1 contest, and, like you, I solved the first two problems. My rating dropped by 14 points (which I don't think is too bad).
For me, the most important difference was the first problem — not solving A in 1 or 2 minutes negatively affected my confidence throughout the contest. However, that's more similar to OIs and I'll get used to it eventually, anyway.
Being ranked much lower than usual is frustrating, but in reality, being the 800th of the best is better than being the 200th of the not so good participants.
Also, I actually enjoyed the extra challenge. One of the benefits of div1 is that you can focus on harder problems, which I find much more fun, without spending time or getting tired while solving easy ones.
Thanks for the information. The thing is, I haven't done much of Div. 1, so I don't actually know how it works or how it is different from others.
It is better to be worst among bests, than best among not so goods