Hello again, Codeforces!
I am glad to invite you to Codeforces Round 1004 (Div. 1), Codeforces Round 1004 (Div. 2), at Feb/11/2025 17:35 (Moscow time).
In Division 1 you will be offered $$$6$$$ problems. In Division 2 you will be offered $$$7$$$ problems. One of the problems in Div.1 will be divided into 2 subtasks. Round duration is set to be 2 hours.
Also, both divisions contain at least one interactive problem(s), so be prepared for those! Guide for interactive problems
I would like to thank,
FairyWinx for dedicated coordination, a lot of problemset discussion, and suggesting one of the problems idea.
Our testers: Dart-Xeyter, I_love_kirill22, RP-1, larush, Wansur, furt1ve, Iura_Shch, SomethingNew, Gabbasov, glllll, domovonok, Error_Yuan, Monogon, triple__a, evjeny_23, Blinov_Artemii, LeoPro, antontrygubO_o, A_G, N_z__, mainyutin for testing and providing feedback.
MikeMirzayanov, KAN for Polygon and Codeforces platforms.
As always, we hope you will like the problems. Have fun!
Score Distribution:
Div. 1: $$$750$$$ — $$$750$$$ — $$$1250$$$ — ($$$750$$$ + $$$1250$$$) — $$$2000$$$ — $$$3000$$$
Div. 2: $$$500$$$ — $$$1000$$$ — $$$1250$$$ — $$$1750$$$ — $$$1750$$$ — $$$2250$$$ — $$$3000$$$
As a tester, I must say, FairyWinx is so orz.
As a passerby (can't participate because no time), I must say, FairyWinx is so orz.
hmm unusual score distribution D and E are same
As a tester, I have a proof that upvoting this comment will lead to positive delta. But the proof is too long to fit the margin.
As a tester, ... are you really a tester?
yeah bro
Good luuuck Everyone
Hello, could someone please tell me when Codeforces typically runs the plagiarism check? For example, how many days after a contest does it occur? Also, for round 1002 div 2 , have the plagiarism checks (and the process of skipping certain solutions) been completed, or are they still pending?
they run them randomly ig. and yes they're pending since a long time
Authors should know that many aren't participating in rounds that have interactive problems, it's not good for you.
I do not think so. Always avoiding interective problems is not good for your coding ability.
Just write interactor in ~5 minuts and will be happy)
Bring Reporting Option in Codeforces MikeMirzayanov , so that the community can help cleaning away cheaters.
Every problem starts with Hello-World but ends with infinite possibilities
As a tester, FairyWinx orz
As a tester, I should say, setters made one of the best interactive problem I've ever seen
As a coordinator, instead of disliking the post, disliking my comment!
my aim of this contest is to get rating 100+
Div.1 A=Div2. C or E?
Usually, div 1 A = div 2 C
But if div 1 A = div 2 C, Div.1 D should be Div2.F, but Div.2 F isn't divided into 2 subtasks.
Maybe they didn't just copy and shift the problem set, or used only the easy version of div 1 D in div 2.
I think this time Div 1A=Div 2D
As a tester, problems are exciting. I recommend participating, and wish you good luck and have fun.
Finally, interactive problems are coming...
Wish to reach Master!
why there are different score distributions in div1 and div2 ?