welleyth's blog

By welleyth, history, 17 months ago, translation, In English

We are hosting a mirror of Balkan Olympiad in Informatics 2023 at Eolymp. You are able to submit your solutions for testing, or do a virtual 5-hour competition to get the similar experience with real on-site competition.

Here is a link to both days of BOI at Eolymp: https://basecamp.eolymp.com/en/contests?series=balkoi

As a part of scientific committee, I would like to thank everybody participating in BOI and upsolving tasks! Hope you got great experience!

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By welleyth, history, 2 years ago, In English

It seems like problems that were used in codeforces rounds #845, #846 and #848 still have no rating set, although like a month passed since rounds finished. Does anybody know what's the issue with assigning rating, and when will it be set?

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By welleyth, history, 3 years ago, In English

Now codeforces has a small number of tags which make it almost impossible to look for distinct topic. I think it would be more convinient to have more tags to look for problems when you want to practice some topics. Is there any reason why codeforces cannot give a permission to high rated people to add their own tags?

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