rangerscowboys's blog

By rangerscowboys, 3 months ago, In English

365 Day Streak and Recap of 2024


Hello Codeforces! Hope all is well. I just hit 365 days in a row on Codeforces! I attached an image, but if you want to see so yourself, you would have to be in a similar time zone to USA Central Time. I will be addressing questions you may have about it here, or in the comments. I will also go over what happened in the past year, to get me from 1357 to 1832 in the past year. This will include personal tips, as well as some things you shouldn't do.

365 Day Streak

Before you put this in the comments: "You only solved 800s!", let me get this clear to everyone that I originally did just go for 800s to keep my streak. It did help for my speed while solving the easier problems, but this isn't that important. However, it is very hard to keep a streak for the whole year. There are vacations, illnesses, and other things that life brings us that we can't predict, and it is harder than you might think. The goal of this streak was to keep me interested in coding, which I will go over more below. When I don't have school, I really try practicing problems of my level, in which the persistence really carried. If you have any questions about it, please comment it! I might have missed something that would be important for you to know.

Recap of 2024

Before 2024

I was learning coding from X-Camp. Shout out to them, as that was where it all started. My goal was to keep advancing through the USACO divisions. I passed USACO Bronze, but failed on the December 2023 USACO Silver contest. That was really depressing, as all of my friends had passed. It was a relatively easier contest too. That made me committed to pass Silver.

Early 2024

I decided to continue Codeforces as my method of practice. I was doing occasional contests while keeping up with school. However, I didn't prioritize coding at the time, just keeping my streak with solving 800s. As you might expect, I didn't pass Silver in any of the remaining contests. I committed to Codeforces, trying to improve there, so I wouldn't give up on coding. Not passing USACO Silver was sad, but I really enjoyed coding.

Summer 2024

As it was summer, I didn't have school. No school means I could practice coding a lot more. However, it is hard to stay focused on coding without other people to have fun and compete with. I really appreciate Alma_s for creating a Discord server to practice and improve, and it was working very well. The server still lasts and is active to this day. I made some good friends such as cowthecow and SpyrosAliv there, and we worked on coding a lot over the summer. We got pretty carried away. Shout out to bricked_ for also helping me! The summer was a big improvement for me, as I practiced a lot. By the end of the summer, I got to around 1800. This, partly luck, but I was very satisfied with my improvement. (W cow gang)

September, October 2024

School had started again, and it was hard to focus on coding much. I kept my streak and did harder problems occasionally, but not much. I just had a few lucky contests that got me close to Candidate Master. I also went down occasionally, as I wasn't a real 1850 at the time.

November, Early December 2024

The USACO season was approaching, and I only focused on USACO Silver. It was very important to me. I spent my whole Thanksgiving break to work on it! Really appreciate cowthecow for working on it with me. It is hard to do be motivated alone! Recently, I passed USACO Silver on the December contest with a score of 800. The hard work payed off!

End of 2024

Since I passed USACO Silver, I'm trying to focus back on Codeforces, trying to improve myself to be CM. Shout out to everyone in the Discord server for being there for me! My goal is to keep improving, and maybe reach CM soon! Hopefully I can start going from solving 1800 problems to maybe 1900-2100 rated consistently? Would be nice :)

Overall Tips

  • Be passionate about coding. It is hard to get anywhere if you aren't.
  • Work with friends to improve. It is much harder without. You can find some friends on Codeforces like me if you don't have any local friends interested about coding.
  • Never Give Up: We all have down times. If you give up, you will never get there. Keep pushing through!
  • Seek help when needed: Codeforces is a great community. Me, as well as many other active Codeforces users try helping people when they post blogs on Codeforces. You aren't alone!

Thank you to everyone who has helped me along my way to passing USACO Silver, and to get such a respectable and consistent 1830 rating! I couldn't have done this without you. Thank you for reading, and have a good end of 2024 :D

A few links that you might want:

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By rangerscowboys, history, 6 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

I love Codeforces contests, and I think everyone else does as well. There are a few things about Codeforces contests that I would like to discuss with the Codeforces community.

Start Time of Contest

I understand Codeforces has people from around the world. That means that the standard time won't work well for everyone. Even though the start time works for me, I appreciate Codeforces giving other people the chance for doing contests.

Date of Contest

This is the main thing I would like to discuss about. It seems like more and more Codeforces contests are occurring on the weekdays (Monday through Friday) and not on the weekends. With people here on Codeforces either having school or work, weekends are usually freer for the general population. I would suggest having more contests on the weekends. I have no control, but I would like to know what you think.

Thank you Codeforces!

UPD: Even though you may disagree, please just answer your opinion. Thank you again :)

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By rangerscowboys, history, 8 months ago, In English

My Youtube channel has many types of videos including post-contest solutions for Codeforces rounds! There are many other things as well. My videos include an explanation of my code, as well as a link to my code. I also have posted the solutions of the 8 problems in today's contest. I hope you learn a lot from my Youtube channel, and I welcome questions and suggestions.

My Youtube Channel: Mr. Coder

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By rangerscowboys, history, 10 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

On today's contest, Codeforces Global Round 26, I lost a ton of rating because of many Wrong Answers and I was very slow today. Does anyone have any tips for avoiding wrong answers? Does anyone have any tips for getting faster at solving the easier problems?

Also, for today's C1, it took me forever to come up with the idea for how to solve it. When I solved it, I was so frustrated because of how simple it was. Do any of you have a way of looking at problems that helps you solve it? I've noticed that easier problems tend to have a greedy/brute force solution to it. Do you notice any tendencies of greedy methods?


UPD: Even if you think that I am stupid and downvote, please answer my questions to the best of your ability. Thanks again!

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By rangerscowboys, history, 11 months ago, In English

Howdy Codeforces!

Recently, while solving previous Codefoces problems, I have seen many query problems. What I mean by query problems are: you are given q queries, like updating and printing something.

This is what I have gathered from query problems: - Arrays can be used for simple query problems. - Prefix sums can sometimes be used for query problems (No Updates Ranged Query) - Sets/Multisets are often used for query problems that need O(logn) operations. - Ordered set is used for some query problems (Point Update Range Query) - Segment tree (with lazy propagation on ranged updates) can be used often for Point Update Range Query, Range Update Point Query, Range Update Range Query.

Of course, although segment tree is a solution for many query problems, it isn't easy to code, especially for specialists like me.

Me personally, I have started to direct myself to thinking set/multiset first, because it seems to often work.

Did I miss any ways to solve query problems? Does anyone have a segment tree template that I can use (with lazy propagation)? Do you all have a different approach to query problems than what I do? What do you all see most often as the solution to query problems?


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By rangerscowboys, history, 12 months ago, In English

I was working on today's contest, Codeforces Round 933 (Div. 3). On problem F, I had gotten a Runtime Error. I spent over an hour debugging it, and finally did, but wasted a lot of time. It turned out my issue was having an empty set and doing operations on it. skul

Is there any way to quickly find where is your Runtime Error in your code? I have gotten Runtime Error multiple times, and debugging is always the most annoying part. skul


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