gigabuffoon's blog

By gigabuffoon, history, 4 years ago, In English

Recently I’ve heard that the North American ICPC regionals and divisionals are considering remote participation by all members of each 3-person ICPC team. This opens the possibility of simultaneous debugging, testing, test-case generation, and more. The differences that parallel terminal use can make in a team contest interest me very greatly, although I am not competing this year.

I’m curious, have any other regions announced such changes? What are contestants’ thoughts on how this change could impact their performance — or be taken advantage of? Might problem setters be considering altering the difficulty or quantity of problems in their problemsets? What will be the impact of being able to blast Twice all 5 hours? These are the questions we need to be asking.

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By gigabuffoon, history, 7 years ago, In English

Here's the link:

How excited is everyone?

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By gigabuffoon, history, 7 years ago, In English

In today's Round #449, I received a MLE verdict on C in system testing. At first, I thought it was because of how much stack space I allocated. But Java should allocate memory as necessary, and I was only using it for recursion, so I found it odd that I would MLE.

So, I resubmitted my code and made the following change:

That code was accepted. No change was made other than the addition of the comment. The two submissions are listed below for reference. MikeMirzayanov, what's good?



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By gigabuffoon, history, 7 years ago, In English

Good Afternoon Codeforces,

This question is directed at those familiar with the Polygon platform. At present I'm trying to put some recent regional problems into Polygon for a mashup contest. Upon verifying the solutions/data, I get the following result:

PackageException: got FL on judge#20 which violates tag ACCEPTED.

I can not find anything in the Polygon documentation about "FL". Does anyone have a clue what this means? Thanks in advance.

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By gigabuffoon, history, 9 years ago, In English

I've recently created a problem in Polygon and added it to a Mashup. I know that Mashups can't be made public, but is there at least a way to share them with my friends? I'm working on educating younger coders and making problems for them to play with about things we're learning is very attractive to me.

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