Hello everyone!
We are happy to invite you to participate in the International Coding League, 2025 (ICL'25), conducted by the students of BITS Pilani, one of the flagship events of our technical fest APOGEE.
This will be a team programming contest and the duration of the contest will be 2 hours.
Contest Link: International Coding League — Round 1
Registration Form: Click Here
Both rounds of the contest will be held on Codeforces, and would be in teams of 1 or 2. The prize pool for the online round is INR 12,000 (5K + 3K + 2K + 2 * 1K). To be eligible for these prizes (and to participate in the next round), teams must fill the registration form.
The Top 25 teams in this round along with 15 teams from BITS Pilani would qualify to the second round, which would be held offline at BITS Pilani, Pilani campus on 30th March, 2025. The prize pool for the offline round is INR 18,000 (10K + 6K + 2K).
The problem setters and testers are: D3VC, DaBest, Quick-One, lefteryx, lycogno, nannu, ritviksingh791
We hope you enjoy the contest and have fun!
Happy Coding! :)
Quick-One orz
Quick-One ORZ
Quick-One orz