Guwanch1's blog

By Guwanch1, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hello everyone! I want to ask one question, is it possible to view full test case? For example it says wrong answer on test case 10, but in the end of test case is '...', is it possible to view full test case? Thank you!

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3 years ago, # |
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You can't

3 years ago, # |
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What's the use, are you going to debug such a long test case?

12 months ago, # |
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It's not possible.

There are some sites where you can compare your code with the solution. But you need a subscription over $100 per year.

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    8 months ago, # ^ |
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    can u tell me those websites name

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      8 months ago, # ^ |
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      If you want to solve problems by comparing your code with others, or just want to see test cases, I recommend the website. You can download the test cases in a zip version, but you will need KEPcoin to download them. You can collect KEPcoin by completing daily tasks. If you want to receive notifications about competitions, you can simply follow to NaZaR.IO's blog. He publishes a blog about all competitions on Codeforces.

3 months ago, # |
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i have been searching for exactly the same thing. If you have got a way please do dm me. I really need to know

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

    if you want to know any test case on cf (including vector, strings etc), i have a small trick for doing that ->

    firstly identify on which test case you are getting WA(sometimes ago cf compiler directly tells the failing test case but now it only tells which number differs from the correct output, so you have to accordingly identify the WA testcase accurately)

    now if you know the correct failing test case : let say your code fails at test case : 500 and there are total 10000 test cases on that input file of cf, then you have to write a if statement like below to print the whole test case :

    main trick part : (assuming failing test case be 500) let say you want to know the value of 'n' and the input vector 'v' of failed test case, then you can do the following ->

    if(test_case_no == 500) make a string of all numbers separated by " " and then simply output it, boom you know the failed test case now !!

    for ex — > problem consist of n = 4 and vector v = {1,2,3,4}

    if(test_case_no == 500){

    string res = to_string(n)+" ";

    for(auto &x : v) res += to_string(x)+" ";



    by this way you can know any test case on cf

    NOTE : use this trick to print smaller test cases only (less than 50 elements or something) because i think cf server will not show u the full output as like in the case of test_cases