Two years, one hundred and five days, and fifty minutes ago from this very moment, I was unfortunately hacked for the very first time by the user dapingguo8. Imagine how traumatized pupil oursaco was at that moment. He did not know of the existence of hacks, and his singular solve during Educational Round 103 was suddenly taken away from him. That day, dapingguo8 was already master, and he was participating out of contest. However, he went out of his way to traumatize me, a poor pupil, new to the platform. Since then, I have set dapingguo8 as my eternal rival, and after one million, two hundred and three thousand, and seven hundred and eighty two minutes, I am now writing this blog proud to say that I have finally passed dapingguo8 in rating.
Congrats and orz.
Shouldn't you be thankful to him though? I mean, getting hacked makes you learn how to avoid similar mistakes in the future, right?
That's what this reads as lol
I thought this guy would end up hacking his solution but seems like I have to decrease my movie watch time.
I was also expecting the same. LOL
dapingguo8 should start hacking everyone's solution now...
but insistence is more important than hack
Wow, congratulations!
I expected you to hack him in revenge instead.
Don't you think hacked him will be a better revenge. :)
His HR is higher, but still congrats!
Clickbait, I was hoping to see that you finally hacked him back...
I thought you would write that oursaco had hacked dapingguo8 for the first time.
DOWNVOTE! I was really expecting you'd kill him :/
Everyone is not from iraq and syria
Orz I would love to know if you actually challenged him before / declared the rivalry xD
but isn't his peak rating still higher, isn't that what matters the most apart from the fact that you never hacked back him.
Now he's peaking higher than dapingguo8
Congrats, oursaco!
Meanwhile, me waiting for another revenge story, so dapingguo8 please hack him again xD
imagine if tourist decides to hack this guy
GG's bro
The he will suicide
Insane foreshadowing
Gray and green people hacked by tourist:
This is great ,but I thought that you have finally hacked him
Ok, but did you hack him?
your highest rating is still lower than him :v
Bro dont make him sad
anime type beat
hack me!
Hey oursaco, Can you also hack me in next contest so that I can pass you in rating after one million, two hundred and three thousand, and seven hundred and eighty two minutes
My imagination went too far, I was hoping to you to hack him.
That will be a great plot for progression fantasy. I was hoping you will kill him. Then we will get your redemption arc.
it's a new kind of revenge I've known recently...