Hello! On March 16th, the ICPC Latin American Finals will be happening in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil! For more information check out the official website: https://pda2025.gruproufba.com.br/ The offical list of teams can be found here.
Below are the teams and please help out in the comments.
Huge thanks to FedeNQ for helping out with this and being really awesome!
Qualified Teams
Rank | Country/Region | Name | Member1 | Member2 | Member3 | Rating |
1 | Brazil | [USP] Faça o WM | nathan_luiz | wnmrmr | antoniomsah | 2482.1609 |
2 | Brazil | [UFMG] Torcida Pão de Alho™ | MvKaio | gustavocruz | perchuts | 2365.9711 |
3 | Brazil | [UFCG] CACHE OVERFLOW | brenner1 | jackson.souza | DaviHenrique | 2295.1777 |
4 | Peru | [UNI-FC] UnratedLegendaryGrandMasters | Cegax | mika_uwu | JoelCH04 | 2280.6644 |
5 | Brazil | [UNICAMP] Paracuru, Eusébio e Pão de queijo. A vida é boa | cmorax | igba | passinho | 2268.6035 |
6 | Argentina | [UNR] Red-Black Tree | Maezra6 | franchu | Username4132 | 2199.9933 |
7 | Brazil | [IME] i was jubilado for skipping a week of class | MatheusAB | cosenza | EboTheGreat | 2116.3624 |
8 | Brazil | [UFAL] Floyd (WA)rshall | Ayalla | daviromao | Filpe | 2090.3092 |
9 | Brazil | [UFRJ] Los_Medonhos | El_Medonho | mhjmbs | pdstiago | 2089.6638 |
10 | Brazil | [UDESC] max(Enzo, Eric) | nzo | ericg | ZeppZeppelin | 2021.7975 |
11 | Brazil | [UFBA] Sacro Império Baiano Germânico | VinnySJ | IgorPrado | DaNub2002 | 1988.0141 |
12 | Brazil | [PUC-GO] C++ ou uma linguagem misteriosa? | Jotinha | ricaxov | UmMainAkali | 1987.0336 |
13 | Colombia | [UNAL Bogotá] UN pasito tUN tUN | aprohACk | Klaus26 | no_mind | 1935.9763 |
14 | Brazil | [UFPE] tamo las4 | gabmei | pgoq | Sarinha | 1925.9210 |
15 | Mexico | [ESCOM IPN] Enchiladas con patas | JorgeIbanez | FeetTester | DanielMontes | 1874.4377 |
16 | Brazil | [IComp/UFAM] Provado por AC | vvent | RaquelFolz | jonatas_azevedo400 | 1767.4596 |
17 | Colombia | [EAFIT] Binpowerpuff girls | majonator | sMariKno | mona.lisa | 1535.5378 |
18 | Brazil | [UFG] Monkeys: acho que é uma DP (era guloso) | Lauane | MarianaDourado | nicoleliecheski | 1447.7401 |
19 | Argentina | [ING UNLP] NaN (Need a Name) | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
20 | Venezuela | [UNIMET] Naranja2 | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
21 | Peru | [CS-UNSA] CodeRats al fallo | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
22 | Peru | [UTEC] WA doesn't go away with tears | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
23 | Chile | [UChile] globos.get() | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
24 | Bolivia | [UMSS] Perritos Malvados | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
25 | Colombia | [PUJ-Cali] Sparkies II: Graphs are often pretty | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
26 | Costa Rica | [ITCR-Alajuela] Todo Es mental | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
27 | El Salvador | [UCA] Infinity Loops | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
28 | Guatemala | [URL] 500 Internal Group Error | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
29 | Uruguay | [ORT] ORT — Dividimos y No Conquistamos | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
30 | Mexico | [UADY] Gauss N´ Roses | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
31 | Argentina | [UTN Argentina — Santa Fe] Champán en lata | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
32 | Argentina | [UBA — FCEN] Incidentes Catastróficos en la Práctica del Caos | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
33 | Argentina | [UBA — FCEN] Corman et al. | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
34 | Mexico | [U de Guanajuato] Cocon13 | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
35 | Mexico | [UdG CUCEI] Motomomis | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
36 | Mexico | [UP Bonaterra] UPgraded | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
37 | Mexico | [FC-UNAM] Rocky IV | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
38 | Mexico | [ESCOM IPN] No se nos ocurrio un nombre | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
39 | Cuba | [UH] The Chefs | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
40 | Trinidad and Tobago | [UWI-TTO] 3x+1 | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
41 | Puerto Rico | [UPR-M] Cypher++ | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
42 | Dominican Republic | [INTEC] #Pray4Mark | *? | *? | *? | 0.0000 |
Same list with MaxRating
Open list
no_mind, aprohACk and me, team-name: "UN pasito tUN tUN", Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
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