Kakita's blog

By Kakita, history, 15 hours ago, In English

In Problem E I got a wrong answer on this test:




2137 333979



My answer is -1, and I couldn't understand why 2137 is a valid solution knowing that 2137 is prime and 331 * 1009 = 333979.

I appreciate it if someone could give me a good explanation for this test.

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15 hours ago, # |
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15 hours ago, # |
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Where did you find this test?

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    15 hours ago, # ^ |
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    I did find it in test 3, and if you use their solution in the tutorial, you will get the same result.

14 hours ago, # |
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add 2137 and then step by +2 until it's 331x, then by +331.