Hello, codeforces!!
I wrote this blog to ask about my account I_love_Pham_Le_BaoHan. This is my friend's account. From 2 a.m. to 3 a.m. (Vietnam time — utc+7), 20/3/2025., I can access my account when I solve problems. At 10 a.m., I woke up and tried to log in to my account, but I got a notification: "You are temporarily blocked by administrators." When I use this account to view my account, my account shows the status "Online now," but I can't log in to my account. I want to ask why administrators banned me, what should i do, and when I can log in to my account.
I look forward to careful consideration. Sorry about my bad English! Thank you so much!
You are not alone, I also have the same problem. Hope admins can notice this issue and solve it as soon as possible.
I hope so too, thanks for sharing!!
I can login to my account now. Try to login again, and thanks to anyone who solve this issue.
Nevermind, I got logout after I submitted one problem, and now I'm back to the same issue.
so the exact problem is unclear even now
same issue
my friend(18ss) is facing the same issue. KAN MikeMirzayanov pls look into the issue