I want to report some cheaters (i'm very sure they're cheaters). Suspect submissions will also be linked.
At first sight you may think that this person is actually legit. Last contest is ok? Second last contest is ok-ish? (in the sense that there are no comments in the code, coding style is unique). Well, apart from the fact that this intelligent person who got CM in 6 contests couldn't solve a D2B and used Java, C and then C++ to AC lol. 3rd last contest is also kinda fine apart from fact that this genius had to switch languages to get AC on C and D. (I wish I was this much multilingual 😭😭). in the 4th last contest (which was just the 3rd contest of this geniousity), he even switched to RUBY!!!. and here comes the main submission...
2072-E from this geniousity. Bro wrote an entire documentation while coding 🤣
Now, lets come to his D(link) from the same contest. (Take your seats to have a great laugh). who tf uses pointers and memory checks in competitive programming bruh 🤣🤣
int* a = (int*)malloc(n * sizeof(int));
if (a == NULL) {
printf("Memory allocation failed\n");
return 1;
With this, i'm leaving the case of this person in the hands of Mike and the codeforces coordinators.
Bro has just entered and unfortunate for him that he got caught before even achieving a good color lol.
I don't think there can be anything more obvious that this
Bro even tried copy pasting blogs from gpt or somewhere and got hammered hard 🤣🤣 . Better luck next time diddy.
THE MAIN PERSON: Abdullah-Nuces
Bro is the definition of wikipedia. Thank you sir for having such good documentation in your submissions. It will surely help us poor people who are weak to understand the problem. We love you for that.
Anyways, this is the most serious case as he has 6th contest left which gives a +50 additional delta. Now if he manages to succeed in his shenanigians again and get a good +70-100, he will be rank 1 in Pakistan which will be a huge shame for us. So, before anything that much serious happens, I'd request MikeMirzayanov and other codeforces coordinators to please ban this guy. He's bringing disgrace to his country. We don't own stupid people like that.
Also if you're wondering why I didn't give any link to his submissions etc just go his previous contests you will see yourself. Bro is multilingual, he's a wikipedia trying to not make it too obvious but an absolute failure in it!
I hope MikeMirzayanov, KAN, Vladosiya and other coordinators whom I don't know please take action on these stupid people especially the last one.
If you know more people, feel free to tag them in the comments.
and btw, "ban Abdullah-Nuces" in the comments, everyone!
I totally agree with you! These types of people must be banned forever. Cheating ruins the game for everyone. #bancheaters
Also some users with the following traits are banned also recently like this guy and some people questions are skipped like azanw
Mahdi_13 is also a cheater, add this handle as well