Sunb1m's blog

By Sunb1m, history, 4 hours ago, translation, In English

Anecdote 1^n

In a Codeforces competition, a contestant submits every problem on the first try without even reading the terms and conditions. He is asked:

  • How do you do that?! You don't even read the terms!

He replies:

  • I haven't read the terms for a long time, I just send them to ChatGPT.

  • And if GPT makes a mistake?

  • Well, then there will be two guilty parties: me and the neural network.

Anecdote sqrt(4)

A sick person comes to the doctor after participating in a round of Codeforces.


  • Hello, what are you complaining about?

The patient is silent and typing something quickly on his phone.

Doctor (repeats surprised):

  • Young man, so what are you complaining about?

Participant (reading from the phone):

  • Hello, doctor. I have increased response latency, difficulties with cognitive function, and periodically need to clarify details of input data....

The doctor is perplexed:

  • Can you explain in a human way?

The participant types again and reads out:

  • I'm sorry, I didn't quite understand you, could you rephrase your question?


  • Can't you speak without that ChatGPT at all!

Participant looks at the phone and reads:

  • Unfortunately, I am a language model and cannot visit doctors in person.


  • I see, you have a serious case....

He writes in the diagnosis: “Chronic neural network addiction. “Recommend immediate lockdown of your Codeforces account.

Task B. “GPT Helper”

Time limit: 1 second

Memory limit: 256 megabytes

Input: standard input

Output: standard output

Vasya actively uses ChatGPT during Codeforces competitions and it has become his habit. Before each task he makes sure to send its conditions to the neural network. If ChatGPT fails, Vasya sends a new request: “What to do if ChatGPT doesn't know the solution to the problem?”. Usually after that the neural network gives him advice on how to find a solution on his own.

However, today Vasya was banned and he can no longer participate in contests. Vasya turned to ChatGPT for help again:

Vasya: “I got banned on Codeforces for using AI, what should I do?”.
ChatGPT: “I can't help you with this problem, please contact Codeforces administration.”
Vasya felt sad that for the first time AI didn't help him with a task.

Task: Determine how many tasks Vasya had time to submit if we know that the neural network refused to help him exactly after he submitted his solution to the fifth task of the contest.

Input data

There are no input data.

Output data

Print a single integer — the number of the task on which Vasya was let down by ChatGPT.


Input data

Output data



Please do not use neural networks during the competition!

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