ssvb's blog

By ssvb, 4 years ago, In English

It's been known since a very long time ago that partially colorblind people find it challenging to distinguish colors of cyan and gray user handles on the Codeforces website. This shade of cyan just happens to look somewhat pale and very muddy, which makes it only slightly different from gray. Looking at these colors and trying to see the difference feels uncomfortable and exhausting (this kind of experience is similar to trying to read a blurry text).

At least for me, cyan needs to be a lot more intensive in order to be reliably registered as cyan. As suggested in an old comment, a somewhat usable workaround is to add .user-cyan { color:#08e8de!important; } line to the userContent.css configuration file for the Firefox browser. After this change, user handles will look like cyan and gray. This particular shade of cyan color is also used on the AtCoder website, so probably it is not too repulsive for people with normal color vision either. And gives a hope that maybe the Codeforces default cyan color can be changed one day to become more colorblind-friendly.

There are different types of color vision deficiency and every person is different. Does this workaround fully resolve the cyan/gray problem for everyone? Does anyone have any difficulties distinguishing any other user handle color pairs? I wouldn't even post this, if not for another recent blog, where people diagnosed with ADHD are very friendly and helping each other with useful advices.

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4 years ago, # |
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colorblind people's live matters!!!

4 years ago, # |
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Cyan is my favorite color and the codeforces cyan is a disgrace to the name compared to glorious #00FFFF. Also I am partially colorblind and it is moderately difficult to distinguish the current colors.

4 years ago, # |
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In my humble opinion, current cyan is fine while the suggested color is too toxic.

Just a note, atcoder seems to use #00C0C0 color. I think, it looks better than yours #08e8de.

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    4 years ago, # ^ |
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    In my humble opinion, current cyan is fine

    Thanks for sharing your opinion. Yes, I expected that the current cyan is perfectly fine for people with normal color vision. And they represent the overwhelming >90% majority, so any kind of democratic voting will lead to a predictable "nothing needs to be changed" outcome:


    while the suggested color is too toxic. Just a note, atcoder seems to use #00C0C0 color. I think, it looks better than yours #08e8de.

    Hmm, you are right, #08e8de was the color of Um_nik's handle from the AtCoder front page and I was too quick to assume that it's their default cyan. When you are saying that #00C0C0 looks better, do you mean that it is acceptable for you or still too toxic? As for me, it surely looks much easier to distinguish from gray compared to what we have now.

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      4 years ago, # ^ |
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      It's strange that atcoder has different cyans; I do not understand its color system. However, I visit atcoder quite rare, so let it be as it is.

      Yes, #00C0C0 looks fine. Being compared to current codeforces cyan it might be even better.

4 years ago, # |
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a somewhat usable workaround is to add .user-cyan { color:#08e8de!important; } line to the userContent.css configuration file for the Firefox browser

How about in google chrome? Is there any way to do it on chrome?

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    4 years ago, # ^ |
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    there's some css extensions, for example, stylish where you can apply custom css on specific websites.

4 years ago, # |
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if u're not colorblind you can see how partially coloblind people see the cyan color here

4 years ago, # |
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Though I'm not colorblind, I don't distinguish grays and cyans too. It's fine.