In 2021, some details (including requirements for problem writers) were changed. Read the link for details.
Hello, Codeforces!
New year brings changes to the Codeforces team. As you probably know GlebsHP completed his work as the chief coordinator of Codeforces. Gleb, thanks a lot! You did an excellent job and coordinated a lot of interesting rounds. You're a professional, an interesting person, you have impeccable taste to problems, and you proved to be brilliant and talented writer. Thank you that you were with us! Hope to see your tasks on Codeforces many times again!
Nikolay KAN Kalinin came to Gleb's place. He is also an experienced participant, Nikolay has already held several rounds as a coordinator. KAN seriously engaged in programming contests since he was 12 years old. His major achievements: he won twice All-Russian School Team Olympiad; he won All-Russian School Olympiad (the 1st place!); he has two Gold medals in International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI 2013, 2014), bronze medal in the ACM-ICPC World Finals 2016 and he took the third place at the RCC 2016. This is the highest level! I am very pleased that Nikolay has joined the Codeforces team. I am confident we will succeed!
And here there is the first innovation of 2017 year. The idea to organize work with proposals has swirled in my head for a long time. It turned out well: KAN visited Saratov to get acquainted with the whole Codeforces team and celebrate the New Year together. And we not only had a good time, but found some time to discuss details how we see our work with writers. Here's what happened.
Writers Requirements
All the functionality described below is only available for experienced contestants and writers of past rounds. There are requirements on the number of rated contests depending on your color (magic does not work here, sorry).
color | the minimum number of rating contests |
blue | 25 |
violet | 15 |
orange | 5 |
red | no restrictions |
Was already a writer in the past | no restrictions |
Please do not assume that the requirements are too strict. Our experience shows that it is hard to work with writers who are inexperienced as contestants . If you are a writer/jury member with experience in other competitions/events, please write KAN a private message about your wish to prepare a contest and describe your experience in this area. Be respectful to the coordinator decision, if it prompts you to achieve the general formal requirements prior to review your proposal.
Writers Reward
Preparation of the round is fascinating, but large and demanding work. We have the opportunity to reimburse the effort of the writers according to the following tariff:
Round Type | $ |
Div 1 + Div 2 | $250 + $50* |
Div 2 | $100 + $50* |
An asterisk denotes a bonus, which is issued in case of work in time, without any issues
If a round is a part of a championship, there is an additional bonus, which is discussed separately.
I dream to raise reward to writers. I dream to see the most experienced, the most creative and interesting writers give our users the opportunity to participate in their rounds on Codeforces! Codeforces rounds attract record number of participants from around the world (the next frontier is 10000 registrations!), I personally offered a large number of problems — the chance to give an interest to participants is priceless.
Please send us your problems, spend contest proposals! We can make a platform, we can build a process, we can host championships. But we can't invent and prepare problems on each round.
How to propose a contest (можно читать всё!)
Those who meet the requirements will find the special link “propose a contest/problems” in the personal menu in the right sidebar. Click on it and you will have the opportunity to offer a contest, add problems to it. Read all instructions carefully. Carefully prepare and submit your proposal for a contest and for problems. I think that user interface is simple and intuitive.
Now, you can use only new system to submit proposals. If you have already received an answer from KAN for current proposal, you shouldn't transfer it to the new system. If the response has not been received yet and the proposal in actual, please, use the new system to send the proposal again.
The discussion of your ideas will be in comments mostly. Perhaps at a later stage it will be a possibility to communicate with the coordinator through any messenger.
Please be active, respond to coordinators' questions in time, make the proposed changes quickly. Remember that Codeforces coordinators are very experienced as participants and as reviewers . Their opinion is important, always balanced, and they have the highest priority in any decisions on the problems.
When the work goes to the preparation of problems in Polygon, the pre-read the examples of well-prepared problems, read all articles about using testlib. It is not difficult, but once you understand, you will be able to prepare high-quality problems for any Olympiad!
Later we come up with how to adapt the system for educational rounds (they come back!), for educational problems. With the new system we will get rid of lost proposals and can significantly automate and organize the process of working with them. I am sure that the system will be upgraded in the future and will become more flexible, more comfortable, more functional.
I hope that in 2017 we will host a lot of interesting rounds with your help. I hope you are waiting for them as well as I'm waiting!
And still sgu is dead :(
I'm alive.
Thanks for everything you do Mike!
I don't know why people like you plague the intelligent conversation that goes on in the CodeForces comment section.
What intelligent conversation? We are a culture of memes.
How are people who send just a problem (not a whole round) rewarded? :D
They have to send one problem less to propose a round.
Now we do not review single problems, only contests. It is possible that this will be changed in future.
Nice initiative! Hope this will result in much more contests!
Goodbye GlebsHP Thank you for all the great contests. You were awesome.
Hello KAN! I look forward to all the great contests. I am hoping your awesome.
Thanks for your hard work, it's always appreciated. I really wonder how you will handle duplicate problems or problems you can find solution easily on Google. Some of the latest contests in 2016 were really upsetting.
After That ::
There will be :: 
This reward was announced 22 months ago. Link
Just For Fun :) but why downvotes :(
for fun
Holding a contest is harder than passing chemistry, ask me to tell you how much it's hard ...
Yes , and solving some problems is harder :P .
Yes, and creating some problems is harder.
yes ,and getting Upvote here is the hardest :(
No, being such a powerful spammer like you is harder ...
What about educational round problems, can we send them now so they can be used later or should we wait until the educational rounds come back?
Call Edvard.
About the color requirements: the color must be the current color, or the maximum color?
I have an another question about color requirement:
Sometimes it will happen following situation:
What will do in this pattern? Be contest will held, or the contest will made by problem stock of another people?
If we want to propose a contest with another co-authors, should all of the problems be proposed in one account only (e.g the main author), or should they be written separately (each co-authors propose their own problems)?
It is a little bit better to do each peoblem proposal from concrete aurhor. But it is not required and strict rule. Just add all co-writers as co-authors to contest proposal.
I'm glad to hear KAN is now official coordinator, congrats Nikolay :)
Nikolay was (and currently is!) a good friend (yes! he is really kind when working) for me while preparing my round (Codeforces Round 383 (Div. 1) and Codeforces Round 383 (Div. 2)). Also he is really experienced, for example he found a similar problem to my old Div.1 D and that problem deleted.
Also his suggestions was great, current Div.1 C was Div.1 A (yes it really was !!) because I though it's really simple (although you saw it was hard even for Div.1 C), he said that it isn't easy, first swapped with Div.1 B, and finally Div.1 C.
Also he is really kind, several times during the preparation I became angry from something (for example his decisions) and he told nothing to me and waited for me to become calm.
After all, I'm here to say : Thanks Nikolay, you though me many thing during the round preparation, and you are a great man, extremely waiting for high school to finish and my next round with you (As I said before, I have a complete problem set (Div.2 A to Div.1 E) to hold anther round, but I'm really busy before July 07, 2017. Although working on Div.1 E has started).
Out of topic : Sorry , but can someone tell me what is the notifications button for ? it's the first time to me watching it :)
It will show answers below your comment, changing rating and etc
Great ! , thanx man :)
Is it possible to edit/delete the proposed problem? The only option is "Open to review". So before it is added to a contest, it should be reviewed by codeforces?
UPD: I mean, what's the point of proposing a problem without choosing a contest for it?
Right now, you can propose a problem without contest only for educational round, use prefix
to do this.I proposed a problem for educational round and then realized that I can't solve it. Is there a point to leave it? And is there a way to remove it?
I don't see anyway to delete problems but you can always mark it as wrong in the title/statement/comment or something.
Hi KAN, Recently I added a few problems as "review", and not make any contest proposal yet (though I want to hold div2 contest in the future). But I changed my mind and want to use one of problems in other online judge. So,
Hi! No, it is not possible to delete problems, but I confirm that no coordinator saw your problems unless a coordinator was assigned.
"After publishing — within two days to two weeks — you will get feedback in comments to the contest ans to the problems"
Looks like the queue is quite long for this statement to be true :\
Yeah, the number of proposals is unexpectedly large, I do my best to cope with them.
Just a suggestion : Maybe an indication on our current position in the queue somewhere might be a good idea, so we get an idea on how long to wait.
Can you tell us how many div1 proposals you have in queue?
I proposed a problem for a codeforces Div 2.round , should i come up with 4 more problems for the problem to be reviewed or can it be included in a future contest with problems from other authors?
Single problems are only being considered for Educational Rounds at the moment according to the guidelines on the proposal page.
What about the current status of single problems? Are they being considered for div2/ div1 ?
Are unrated contests counted as participation?
Even if the contest is official like Round 536? It turned to unrated due to laggy issues.
If blue means expert, what does specialist mean???
Cyan cat O_O
If a team want to create a contest,but some of the members can't reach the requirement.Is that Okay?
I sometimes hear someone wants to propose Div. 3 contests, which didn't exist when this article was posted, but I can't find any information about proposing Div. 3 contests. Is it possible for us to propose Div. 3s as we have proposed Div. 2s so far? If we can, how should we propose them?(I can't find the choice in the proposing form)
maybe it is reserved for vovuh? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
If a contestant participate 25 ratting contest as blue+violet and not of 25 contest as a blue and also not of 15 contest as a violet, what happened thats time? Is he/she can propose for problemsetting. I am confused.