2077devwave's blog

By 2077devwave, history, 4 days ago, In English

Hey Codeforces Community!

I've recently developed a new tool called CF-List, which helps you manage and track Codeforces contests in a more efficient way. Whether you're a competitive programmer looking to improve or just someone who wants a better way to track solved and unsolved problems in contests, CF-List is here to help!

GitHub Repository: CF-list on GitHub
Live Version: Try CF-List Now

What is CF-List?

CF-List is a simple and user-friendly web app that lets you:

  • View and filter Codeforces contests based on various criteria

  • Keep track of solved and unsolved problems in each contest (The Main Idea)

  • Easily access past contests for practice

  • Get a structured list of contests for easy reference

Current Status

This is the initial version, and there's still a lot of room for improvement. But with your support and contributions, CF-List can evolve into a powerful tool for the community!

How You Can Help ?

  • Try it out and share your feedback

  • Report bugs or suggest features by opening an issue on GitHub

  • Contribute by improving the code, UI, or adding new functionalities

All contributions are welcome and appreciated! Let's make something great together for the competitive programming community!

Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and suggestions. Drop a comment below!

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4 days ago, # |
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Don't we already have this, though?

  • »
    4 days ago, # ^ |
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    thats nice, i didnt see it before (also with some search) Thank you for saying :)