saptarshikuar2003's blog

By saptarshikuar2003, history, 5 weeks ago, In English

I am trying hard to do better but I am failing please can any one help me in solving problems after contests so that I can also grow better.

5 weeks ago, # |
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Try to think simpler in contest,do as the question says and try to think what effect does the operations or the logic does in the code. If it is to find a answer try binary search, if it is to calculate minimum or maximum try dp, think greedy in A and B

5 weeks ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

My opinion: don't think about how I can do this problem, but rather think why does the problemsetter make the problem like this. Find special properties in the problem. e.g. if you see a problem with $$$a\oplus b$$$, think about its parity ($$$a\oplus b \equiv a+b \pmod 2$$$) or its size ($$$a\oplus b \le a+b$$$).

An important thing is, do more useful practising.

UPD: Bro you've only practised on CF for ten months. I was also stuck in grey for ten months. So don't give up.

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    thanks a lot means a lot---In this situation should I only practice random problems or practice form some other resources I should follow ???

5 weeks ago, # |
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You Cannot Expect your rating to improve by just solving easy questions try practicing harder questions I can see that you have solved 600 problems out of which most are of low rating. If your target rating is x then you must be proficient in solving problems rated x+300 within contest. Although in div2 problems are mostly greedy especially A,B,C which depend on your intuition. But in div3 this thing will surely help.

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    actually I face a lot of issue in proofing the greedy approach and sometimes I couldn't even understand the approach like example:-1919C Grouping Increases DIV 2 here the greedy approach is completely probability base or simply based on chances How it can be proved...... and I stuck in such situation what is the best thing I should do in such situations???

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      5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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      You can do some standard greedy algorithms. For Greedy there is only way you can improve is by practicing a lot. I am also quite weak in greedy. Considering your practice it is quite common for you to get stuck. I also get stuck in greedy problems. If you get stuck for long watch editorial.

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        5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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        thank you I will keep this mind. just can you suggest some other resources for better practice

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    5 weeks ago, # ^ |
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    If your target rating is x then you must be proficient in solving problems rated x+300 within contest.

    Correction: If your target rating is x then you must be proficient in solving problems rated x within contest.