Amao_Fox's blog

By Amao_Fox, history, 4 months ago, In English

Yesterday I was just in a mood to participate another round. when I solved B in 7 minutes, I found my self standing at the first place of official ranklist. But it took me 2 times of normal time to solve C and D because I'm tired, sleepy, and the students around are already asleep so I must be quiet and I can't talk to myself (I need speak to think for some reason), otherwise I'll be crused to death by them. I was orginally planning to reach master, but it seems to be impossible after C and D. So I planned to solve problem E and finally wrote a code that could pass the samples. Just the moment when I tried to open the submit page, my computer shutdown itself just because it's run out of electricity.

 But the irony lies here: I ensured that it had three hours of battery life before the start of the contest; When I started writing E, I saw that it had at least one hour of battery life, and by then it was less than half an hour before the end of the contest. I just installed Windows10 on my old computer some years ago, I didn't expect it to deceive me so much.

 I'm still in a mood to participate another round because even I was suffered from these, I still get positive rating changes.

Just as one previous time when I passed G2 but didn't pass the same but easier G1 because network problems, when I mistakenly fell asleep, when I suddenly broke a key on the keyboard... There are always lots of strange things happening at online contests.

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4 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +22 Vote: I do not like it

Mistakenly falling asleep during a live contest is a whole new level of shit.

4 months ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Questions which are basically exactly same, just the bounds are same. In such cases, may be, the polygon should automatically mark G1 as solved, As soon as you solve G2.

For example, ( , , ) ... All these 3 are actually same problem. so IMO, there can be this optimisation, that if you solved E3, then E1, and E2 will be automatically marked as solved for you.

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
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    That's exactly what I want... somehow. Technically speaking, it may require a major overhaul. If the problem of easy and hard is the same except for input size, it is useful to automatically pass the easy version as soon as accept in hard version.

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      4 months ago, # ^ |
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      my logic agrees with yours. try tagging some co-ordinators, may be they can think about working on these.

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    4 months ago, # ^ |
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    tell Mike please!

4 months ago, # |
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Sometimes I do feel I'm very unlucky to have kinda random events in CF rounds... But now I can confirm someone else do actually feel the same as me haha.

I skipped 985_div2 because I was in very bad shape before the contest and seems I've made a right decision (I was very very hurt physically). But after that 986_div2 smacked me again. It's just life.