Do you know where will the ICPC world finals 2025 be held?
Was it announced officially anywhere? I've heard from some people who were at the last world finals that the organizers didn't announce where next year's WF is going to be or mention anything about it.
Earlier this year I've heard rumors that the 2025's WF might be held in Sweden, and later on I've heard some people saying that it'll be held in Armenia, but the latest place I've heard is China.
Honestly, at this point, the governments should pay Bill to not choose their countries to avoid any political instability.
Then let Bill hold it in Antarctica.
It's likely Mexico or China. The set of next 4 locations is supposed to be Mexico, China, Canada, Armenia.
As a mexican, I highly doubt it tbh
Where did you hear about ICPC being held in mexico, is it reliable?
Coach meeting with Bill Poucher during Egypt World Finals.
There is also this video: YouTube
There is another video from just 3 weeks ago
This was also mentioned in NAC Coach Meeting from what I heard.
any potential cities from this countries ?
If possible, please do it in India!
As a Swede, I highly doubt this claim.
Not a claim here, I changed the wording to "might be held" instead.
I've heard this from friends in around the beginning of this year or the end of last year, and they told me that it's just rumors at that time.
Peak of mt. Olympus, planet Mars. See you!
When will it be held?
2025 icpc world finals is planned to host in beetween of 2nd half of September to mid October.
This is a post from Shanghai U two days ago:
Tranaslation: This visit deepened the exchanges and cooperation between Shanghai University, ICPC headquarters and Huawei, and laid a good foundation for Shanghai University to host the 50th ICPC International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals.
Seems Shanghai U is aiming to host WF 2026, and therefore I would speculate that WF2025 will be held in Mexico.
50th would be 2025 I think though?
48th is 2024, 49 is 2025, 50 is 2026
I heared that EL Salvador is going to host 2025 ICPC World finals
Does anyone have new information on ICPC world finals? Is there information on countries dropping out or when we will know the location?
Any updates?
not yet.
In a twist no one expected, it's in Baku, Azerbaijan.
Don't worry I'm sure they'll relocate it once everyone has purchased their flights
I don’t believe that’s the case. There were multiple meetings at ADA University and other locations, followed by extensive negotiations. Reference: