ArvNor_'s blog

By ArvNor_, 14 months ago, In English

Hello Codeforces!

This post will be about one of the programming topics called binary search

Some example:

Given a sorted array a1 ≤ a2 ≤ . . . ≤ an of n numbers. Need to find a position numbers x, i.e., i such that ai = x.

A naive solution would be to go through the array and check each number.



Time complexity O(N)

Let's try to speed up the algorithm.

We initialize the response area, i.e. such an interval [l, r] on which the answer is (i ∈ [l, r]). In at the very beginning l = 1, r = n.

Then we have 2 cases:

• l = r. And if a[l] = x, then we have found the answer, otherwise the element does not exist in the array.

• l < r. Let's divide our interval into two parts, i.e.

let's take this m = (l+r)/2 and divide the interval into 2 parts [l, m] and [m + 1, r].

• If a[m] < x, then x is definitely not in the left half because all the elements are smaller X. That is. l := m + 1.

• Otherwise, x is in the left half and you can discard the right half. That is. r := m.



Time complexity: O(log(N))

I hope you found this blog useful. Good luck!

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