ArvNor_'s blog

By ArvNor_, history, 17 months ago, In English

In the theory of formal grammars and automata (TFGiA), an important role is played by the so-called context-free grammars (CS-grammars). A KS-grammar is a quadruple consisting of a set N of non-terminal symbols, a set T of terminal symbols, a set P of rules (productions) and an initial symbol S belonging to the set N.

Each production p of P has the form A –> a, where A is a non-terminal symbol (A of N) and a is a string consisting of terminal and non-terminal symbols. The word output process begins with a line containing only the initial character S. After that, at each step, one of the non-terminal characters included in the current line is replaced by the right side of one of the productions in which it is the left side. If after such an operation a string containing only terminal characters is obtained, then the output process ends.

The CS grammar is given. We need to find the number of rules containing immediate left recursion.

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