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acraider's blog

By acraider, history, 11 months ago, In English

We are conducting a Online Competitive programming Summer Camp from 1st of May.

Target of the camp is to give the junior programmers who are right now at a Newbie and Pupil level some rigorous practice around Adhoc, Greedy, Maths & Proving skills to help them reach >1400 Rating range, Specialist… and potentially even to Expert (best case).

I also feel the folks at this rating range don’t get enough voice and help needed on general forums, so we have a dedicated doubt forum to solve all your doubts around questions you have (ofc till a level of 1600 on CF for this camp) by the TAs.

Alongside this having a healthy peer group will allow all to get some really good motivation.

Majority of the sessions will be taken by acraider and abhishek_saini.

Just to add a little credibility here, I have been teaching problem solving for a long time(>3.5 years) in India, and have taken multiple 1-1 online tutoring for students in US to crack Silver and Gold Divisions of USACO. Have a YT channel for some good learning videos (Though not beginner friendly. Wanted to teach harder bits in English. Rest is in Local Language).

For the camp, We also have tons of mentors from India who have varied experiences to share different perspectives and guide the joinees.

Priyansh31dec, 18o3, Psychotic_D, sharmaharisam, Queue, namanbansal013, Abhishek_Srivastava, anishde85, s_jaskaran_s thanks for making this camp a big success already.

Some more details:

Link to the site:

Duration: 10 Weeks

Live Classes : 8:30 -10:30 PM IST. [Recordings will be provided.]

Language : English (minor Hindi in non-content discussions can be expected though).

Price : 12 Dollars total for 10 weeks of cohort.

Wanted to keep this free for all, but supporting doubt for Beginners is super important as per me. Will be used to Hire TAs for the cohort + keeps the noise out from my experience.

We have limited seats. The enrollment starts tomorrow 2PM IST. Should be a great grind for anyone to join.

Just a small growth punch

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By acraider, history, 20 months ago, In English

Have you ever wondered what are top performers doing better apart from just putting hours and solving problems??

Read this whole and you might just get a new perspective on what can “Practice” really bring to you… or how should you target to do a really efficient one. A little on Pedagogy side, but I hope it will be an interesting read.

I am very happy to get more suggestions, as these are personal learnings that I have noticed in the last 4 years of actively teaching others Competitive programming, DSA, and working on pedagogy and gamification aspects of trainings.

Well, Lets start with a hard fact

Solving problems beyond a certain level actually requires you to have at-least these 2 things:

1. A decent IQ and Maths Skills. 2. Good “Practice” with an intent to abstract.

Let me explain you what these 2 mean, from best of my knowledge. I will focus more on the second one though…

Have a decent IQ and Maths Skills.

Ofcourse till a certain level, it’s just about “practice” and knowing coding language (Implementation Skills), but as you start growing beyond say 1800-2000 rating level, its starts sharply hitting you.

You need Good IQ and Maths skills to be really at the the top. Strong Knowledge of Counting, Number theory, Geometry, Probability, Linear algebra starts getting asked in problems and you always need some Good IQ to start generating good observations and connecting the dots to things you might have learned in the “Practice”.

Well this blog is not on this point, so I will keep it till this and not digress much. After all, your time is precious! So keep reading.

Intense “Practice” with an intent to abstract.

Ok, I agree that it’s a sentence with a lot of buzzword-y terms, but it all will make sense soon.

So you practice to improve right?

Try to seek answers for these yourself:

  1. How do you select questions that you are going to practice?
  2. What are some objective takeaways from any problem that you look for? Or are you just trying to memorise the solution of that exact problem?
  3. How do you ensure that you learn and retain maximum from a problem?

Have you ever thought about these or it has been just been random problem solving by putting your heads down. Well unless you have a trainer who is doing all this for you, you should really be investing some time in it.

Also, I don’t think pedagogy ever has been taken seriously in a field like CP. It has mostly been people who are subconsciously doing these and are improving and rest are finding it difficult.

So what’s the solution Vivek ???

I am no expert on the same, but over years what I have realised is what learners are picking up from practice can be classified into one of these 4 Categories.

  1. Concept

  2. Tactic

  3. Form

  4. Framework

Before I explain them, quick question. Have you ever played MMORPG / RPG Game? (I expect all of you to say Yes… expecting all of you to be geeky gamers like me in old days :P)

Back in my childhood, I used to play a lot of them. In fact design many of them using 001GameEngine.

When you play a RPG game, a typical setup is the following

  1. You are at Level 1.
  2. You choose certain monsters / perform some quests.
  3. These give your some Drops and XP.
  4. The more XP you collect you level up.
  5. The Drops give you Special Weapons that have certain types of stat point.
  6. As you progress you start seeing harder monsters, for which you have to strategise on which weapon to use. Say there is a water type monster and you know that Fire weapons will work much better on them.

I feel problem-solving in general is exactly like this. More so in CP.

  1. You start with basic language implementation skills (Level 1)
  2. You chose Problems (monsters) / Topic Questions (Quests)
  3. Each problem drops builds some Concept and Frameworks (XP) and teaches some Forms and Tactics (Drops)
  4. As you see harder problems, you use your Concepts and Frameworks (XP) to strategise an attack and use the tactics and forms (Drops) you have collected overtime that best fits.

Hmmm… quite similar right?

Let’s now understand what these are and how can they be truly used.

The 4 Fundamentals

Concepts :

These are fundamental Algorithmic pieces that you learn (little theoretic) that are used directly to solve or code standard problems.

Eg. DP is a simple memoization concept over what you have learned on Backtracking. You learn how to code basic idea too in this.

Framework :

These are first level questions you ask yourself as you see a problem to decide what can potentially be used. Asking good questions to yourself can be key in solving problems.

Eg. “This Is a Tree problem and we need to do counting. Can we use DP to solve it? Some maths maybe?”.

If gives you the path to progress in a problem, so that it’s not haphazard (I'm not saying diffused thinking is bad, its just not the thing always to start with, atleast for standard doable problems).


Standard class of applications that you see in a particular type of problems.

Eg. Most of tree-dp (Which itself is a Form) problems generally fall in one of these subforms.

  1. Maintaining parent state with a state. (Whether the parent was taken or not).
  2. Merging subtree contributions. (Like some knapsack on each subtree).
  3. Maintaining full ancestral states (Like GCD of root till this node).

Usually this is something that you pickup when you see a lot of problems of the same type.

Tactic :

These are independent ideas that are generally used to reduce/solve the subproblems or optimisation issues.

Eg. Say we have a knapsack type solution where we merge

DP(node,Items taken in subtree) for a Bunch of Childs.

One tactics that exist that reduces this from O(N^3) Dp to a O(N^2) dp is that when you are merging the child’s dp value, maintain the current size and only update potentially till cur_size+new_child_size in the dp table.

Now if you don’t know this tactic, there is no chance you can solve problems that need it. [If you don’t, learn it from here :]

These are the primary 4 things that you should focus on when you are practicing.

Want to see another example of usage of this ? Just made a video explaining the same too :

Now ofc you might ask me Vivek.. Ok, that’s all good, but what should I do now??

Improve your practice !!

Most students who comeup to me and ask me that ‘why are they not improving from a very long time ??’ … mostly the issue is with one of the following.

  1. They are not practicing.
  2. Their practice strategy is absolute garbage.
  3. They are too impatient to see improvement, as this domain does takes time.

You will not be able to improve in a RPG game ...

  1. If you keep defeating simple monsters much lesser than your level.
  2. Defeat a monster and then leave the DROP and XP you should have gained (very very common). You will never improve.
  3. If you want to be level 100 in 1 day (Unrealistic expectations).

Your goal while solving any problem shouldn’t be to memorise how to solve this problem, but analysing what can you actually take away from this that you can use to solve something in real contests.

How to actionably do this ?? Post solving a question, just retrospect what where the new

  1. FRAMEWORK question you picked (How would you think about something like this next time ?).
  2. CONCEPT you learned (Go to some site and learn it).
  3. FORMS you have built (Collect problems of similar type and see what are you using in them repeatedly),
  4. TACTICS used that you can pickup (See for optimisations and observations).

If you are seeing a lot of problems in practice that is leading to no new thing in this list, your practice (sorry to say) is bogus.

If you are seeing too many in every problems, then maybe you collect them (which is difficult to be recalled), and requires too much of mana (I think I should stop playing game :D)

How to choose problems that will give you more of them… or how to work on the memory recall part of it ?? well that’s hard and I will keep it for another long blog (It has been more than 2 hours of me thinking and writing this… sorry).

If you read till this, it on its own means 100 upvotes for me. Looking forward to your take in the comments :D. If more people like these, I will write more things on the pedagogy side. See ya in the comments.

TL;DR: Please don’t be at the bottom of this pillar.

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hi everyone, I hope many of the participants for the ICPC India online round had an outstanding performance.

I have created a quick video discussing the idea of all the problems. This is unofficial and contains just my thoughts about the problems(which is enough to start solving on your own). Do check it out.

LINK : Link to Video

Best of luck for the next rounds! Peace.

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English

Hi Codeforces,

I am taking a live DP workshop on Youtube, which is going to be more on the applied side of things, on how to think and apply to new problems, recognizing common patterns, and a bunch of useful state modeling ideas. Prized contest on CF will be there at the end.

Link to register for the workshop:

Here are some more playlists on Youtube : All Playlists

See you in the Live Sessions :D

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English


TL;DR, Live session on Game Theory and Probability for Competitive Programming at 10 PM IST today.

We would be continuing with the CP Live Streams, covering interesting applied ideas used to create problems in competitions and coding tests of companies.

We would be solving some very fundamental and interesting ideas of Game theory and Probability problems from CSES.

List of problems in the description.

Link of the stream:

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English


If I had to pick one very small maths topic which has had deciding influence in an ICPC online and Regionals, Burnside Lemma it would be. However, this is a maths topic and is not generally discussed from the CP point of view.

Here is a 5 part series to get you comfortable with the topic. Do comment below for which topic do you feel requires such a series. Also, do like and subscribe to the channel to support the content.


Video Series:


Problem list:

more in the other blogs and in the description of the Videos.

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English

Firstly, Merry Christmas everyone!

There is a live stream today on youtube on Combinatorics required for CP at 8 PM. We will cover some basic concepts, some thinking ideas, and hard topics like burnside lemma. If you don’t have some special plans for Christmas, I would highly recommend you to join in. Important learnings would be there.


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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English

TL;DR, Live session on Number theory for Competitive Programming at 8 PM IST today.

Sneak peak for the live stream: Find : F(K,N) = Phi(Phi(Phi(….. k times … Phi(N))
Find F(K,N) for N,K <= 10^12.

We would be continuing with the CP Live Streams, covering interesting applied ideas used to create problems in competitions and coding tests of companies. Today we will take 3-4 interesting number theory Ideas.

Link :

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By acraider, history, 3 years ago, In English

I am starting on creating some Live Streams on Educational topics that are used to create problems in competitions. Today's one is on manhattan queries.

The stream is in 4 hours from now (8PM IST) at

There would be questions like Querying the closest manhattan distanced point (Offline?? Online??), or query versions of this Kickstart problem. There would be 6 practice questions to solve as well.

Feel free to join in the stream for Learning (or discussion at the end). There would be more such streams, so do consider subscribing to the channel.

See you there!

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By acraider, history, 4 years ago, In English


Practice Problems in the Description (with which I started out).

Would like to know what more can someone do at the start and intermediate level to improve their DP skills specifically. If someone has experience as a trainer as well, would love to know their perspective on the same. What has worked well in training for DP?

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By acraider, history, 4 years ago, In English

Hi Everyone,

I recently started making videos on Youtube (Just to try out new stuff) and have made the Solution Ideas of all the problems of the CSES Advanced section. Feel free to tune in (actually good for all Indian participants having ICPC coming up, to get crux ideas of so many problems and topics in short). The Ideas are in Brief and if you have any doubts about them, would be clearing them off in the comments (on these problems mostly).

Also, for now, I have not added the solution codes as I feel it's much better of training without the code as it helps to improve the learning much more. But feel free to suggest if making them public would be the best route. Also, which section should I make next?

Link to Video:

The Resources to Learn these techniques are in the Description of the Video.

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