KalshuCodes's blog

By KalshuCodes, history, 4 years ago, In English

I have been preparing some questions on CF groups, If I change a problem statement and add it in my Contest in Groups , the users who have solved that problem previously are shown green box on submit button beside the question in Dashboard (meaning the Question has been solved previously) in the group contest, So even if I change the whole problem statement it takes the users very less time to find the problem they have previously solved. I suggest the Codeforces team to please disable this feature if possible so we can use Codeforces Problemset more easily in Groups.

I have attached two files that even after having no submission the Mashup shows as the question being Accepted previously.


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By KalshuCodes, history, 5 years ago, In English

I want to hold several Group Contests for my institute. Currently, I am making some of my problems on Polygon and now I want to make a private contest of it and want to hold it in my group. I am new to polygon so is there anyone who can guide me how to import a contest from polygon and set it up as a group contest. TIA. Please tag someone who can help. [user:antontrygubo_O][user:vovuh][user:MikeMirzayanov][user:Ashishgup][user:pikmike] Tagging for more reach. Sorry if you faced Inconvenience due to tagging.

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