Hello Codeforces, ↵
I invite you to participate in the **ICPC Amritapuri Practice Session** hosted on **CodeDrills**. It would be a **1.5 hours** long contest having **3 problems** of varying difficulty giving you a flavor of **ICPC Amritapuri Regionals**.↵
**Contest Details**↵
- Contest Link — https://codedrills.io/contests/amrita-icpc-practice-session-1↵
- Date — **6 Dec 2020**, Sunday↵
- Start Time — **[17:30 PM IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Amrita+ICPC+practice+session+1&iso=20201206T1730&p1=438&ah=1&am=30)**↵
- Duration — **1.5 Hours**↵
- Will follow standard ICPC scoring system (20 minutes penalty and 1 point per problem)↵
You will need an account on [CodeDrills](http://codedrills.io/) to participate in the contest. If you have not signed up on CodeDrills yet, do so [here](https://codedrills.io/login). If you already have an account, no extra registration is required.↵
I hope you will enjoy solving the problems. Please, give your feedback on the problem set in the comments below, after the contest.↵
Good Luck & Have Fun! ↵
Hope to see you participating!! ↵
Happy Programming!!!↵
**UPD1**: Congratulations to the winners! ↵
1. Tanmay Rathi ↵
2. Sriram V ↵
3. Kshitij Agrawal ↵
**UPD2**: Editorial is out.
I invite you to participate in the **ICPC Amritapuri Practice Session** hosted on **CodeDrills**. It would be a **1.5 hours** long contest having **3 problems** of varying difficulty giving you a flavor of **ICPC Amritapuri Regionals**.↵
**Contest Details**↵
- Contest Link — https://codedrills.io/contests/amrita-icpc-practice-session-1↵
- Date — **6 Dec 2020**, Sunday↵
- Start Time — **[17:30 PM IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=Amrita+ICPC+practice+session+1&iso=20201206T1730&p1=438&ah=1&am=30)**↵
- Duration — **1.5 Hours**↵
- Will follow standard ICPC scoring system (20 minutes penalty and 1 point per problem)↵
You will need an account on [CodeDrills](http://codedrills.io/) to participate in the contest. If you have not signed up on CodeDrills yet, do so [here](https://codedrills.io/login). If you already have an account, no extra registration is required.↵
I hope you will enjoy solving the problems. Please, give your feedback on the problem set in the comments below, after the contest.↵
Good Luck & Have Fun! ↵
Hope to see you participating!! ↵
Happy Programming!!!↵
**UPD1**: Congratulations to the winners! ↵
1. Tanmay Rathi ↵
2. Sriram V ↵
3. Kshitij Agrawal ↵
**UPD2**: Editorial is out.