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Atcoder ACL 1 problem, getting Wrong Answer.

Revision en1, by vishaaaal, 2020-09-23 12:23:14

Hii!!! I took part in the Atcoder ACL contest 1 held a few days ago. Unfortunately, I am getting wrong answer in the first problem Reachable towns, here is my submission.

All I have done is to sort all cities according to x keeping their city numbers, and connect each city to next city with greater y and x coordinate than it with a bidirectional edge, and finally answer will be the size of connected component of graph for every city. Please tell me if I am incorrect somewhere.

Thanks in advance!!


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English vishaaaal 2020-09-23 12:23:14 699 Initial revision (published)