I would like to invite you all to the **International Coding Marathon 2019**, under the banner of Technex'19, IIT (BHU) Varanasi. ↵
[Technex](https://www.technex.in/) is the annual techno-management fest of Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi organized from March 8 — 10, 2019. ↵
International Coding Marathon is the flagship event of [Byte The Bits](https://www.technex.in/events/), the set of programming events organized under Technex. ICM is brought to you by [Mentor Graphics](https://www.mentor.com/india). It will take place on [Friday, 8th March 2019, 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ICM+Technex+2019+by+IIT+%28BHU%29&iso=20190308T1530&ah=2). The contest will be held on [Codechef](https://www.codechef.com/ICMT2019?utm_source=contest_listing&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ICMT2019).↵
The problemset has been prepared by [user:hitman623,2019-03-06], [user:dhirajfx3,2019-03-06], [user:_shanky,2019-03-06], [user:drastogi21,2019-03-06] and me ([user:Enigma27,2019-03-06]). We would like to express our heartiest thanks to [user:navpun31,2019-03-06] and [user:prakhar28,2019-03-06] for their constant help in preparing the contest.↵
**Prizes -**↵
**Overall 1st — INR 15,000**↵
**Overall 2nd — INR 10,000**↵
**India 1st — INR 9,000**↵
**India 2nd — INR 5,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) 1st — INR 6,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) 2nd — INR 4,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) Freshmen 1st — INR 1,000**↵
Some of our previous contests : ↵
[ICM Technex 2017 and Codeforces Round #400 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined)](https://codeforces.me/contest/776) ↵
[ICM Technex 2018 and Codeforces Round #463 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined](https://codeforces.me/contest/932)).↵
Participants will have **2** hours **30** minutes to solve **67** problems. The scoring will be ICPC style. ↵
[Contest Link](https://www.codechef.com/ICMT2019?utm_source=contest_listing&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ICMT2019) ↵
Good luck everyone! Hope to see you on the leaderboard.↵
[Technex](https://www.technex.in/) is the annual techno-management fest of Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi organized from March 8 — 10, 2019. ↵
International Coding Marathon is the flagship event of [Byte The Bits](https://www.technex.in/events/), the set of programming events organized under Technex. ICM is brought to you by [Mentor Graphics](https://www.mentor.com/india). It will take place on [Friday, 8th March 2019, 21:00 IST](https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?msg=ICM+Technex+2019+by+IIT+%28BHU%29&iso=20190308T1530&ah=2). The contest will be held on [Codechef](https://www.codechef.com/ICMT2019?utm_source=contest_listing&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ICMT2019).↵
The problemset has been prepared by [user:hitman623,2019-03-06], [user:dhirajfx3,2019-03-06], [user:_shanky,2019-03-06], [user:drastogi21,2019-03-06] and me ([user:Enigma27,2019-03-06]). We would like to express our heartiest thanks to [user:navpun31,2019-03-06] and [user:prakhar28,2019-03-06] for their constant help in preparing the contest.↵
**Prizes -**↵
**Overall 1st — INR 15,000**↵
**Overall 2nd — INR 10,000**↵
**India 1st — INR 9,000**↵
**India 2nd — INR 5,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) 1st — INR 6,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) 2nd — INR 4,000**↵
**IIT(BHU) Freshmen 1st — INR 1,000**↵
Some of our previous contests : ↵
[ICM Technex 2017 and Codeforces Round #400 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined)](https://codeforces.me/contest/776) ↵
[ICM Technex 2018 and Codeforces Round #463 (Div. 1 + Div. 2, combined](https://codeforces.me/contest/932)).↵
Participants will have **2** hours **30** minutes to solve **
[Contest Link](https://www.codechef.com/ICMT2019?utm_source=contest_listing&utm_medium=link&utm_campaign=ICMT2019) ↵
Good luck everyone! Hope to see you on the leaderboard.↵