Hello, my dear lovers of algorithms and data structures.
Codeforces Round 380 will start on November 20 (Sunday), 09:05 (UTC). It will be based on Technocup 2017 Elimination Round 2. So, if you are a Russian-speaking high-school student, please take part in the Technocup 2017.
Many thanks to KAN, GlebsHP, fcspartakm, Levshunovma. Hope to extend the list soon because of testers. Also some problem ideas are mine.
I hope you will like problems. It will be 6 problems in each division.
Good luck and bugless code
- TK Elim 2 and Div 2: 500-1000-1750-1750-2000-2500
- Div 1: 750-750-1000-1500-2000-2500