I am introducing a new tool for competitive programming—submitter. It does just that, submits your solution to supported online judges and displays results, all from the comfort of your command line.
You would need rust and docker
cargo install --git https://github.com/EgorKulikov/submitter
submitter <task url> <language> <path to solution>
Supported sites
At the moment the following is supported:
- Codeforces (unless Cloudflare would want to click you on the box, I cannot fool it yet)
- Codechef
- Yandex Contest
- AtCoder
- Universal Cup
- Luogu (no support for changing language, language of the last submit is used)
Over-engineering at its finest
If you know how to get around (non-checkbox) Cloudflare another way, I am all ears
I am afraid it also does goes through some cloudflare checks, but thanks, it seems to has less load and hence not reverting to checkbox as frequently
It seems that mirror.codeforces.com doesn't have Cloudflare enabled (ref).
Maybe, but they do some kind of browser checking anyway. Namely, I am getting a page where the body starts with
Check out this blog: Bypassing Cloudflare's "bot fight mode"
Well, that's nice, but not something I want to spend my time on
Is it really more convenient to paste url to terminal than to submit via website?
It is if you use other tools in tandem
Or bat file, which takes problem id as input and generates corresponding url. I did that with oj when I used that for atcoder submits while I still used c++
By the way, I forgot to write why I wanted such a tool. I usually use 2 screens for competitive programming, one for browser and one for ide. I do not want to shuffle browsers, so I can keep an eye on the results of the submit while reading the next problem, so I much prefer for the result of the submit to be shown in terminal, which is part of my ide layout.
why would i use the tool over submitting myself?
I already covered my own motivation for using such tool here
That's really cool, especially the fact that you did this for all these different websites. Thank you so much!!
Whoever uses it, be careful: it is much easier to accidentally submit something you didn't want to with this thing than without (for example, by pressing
<Up> <Up> <Up> <Up> <Up> <Return>
in the terminal with an incorrect number of<Up>
s)will it work during the live contest??
It did during Rayan
script didnt work from the script you wrote these, so i downvoted, sry. <(_ _)>
ideone is working fine.
ME ︻╦╤─→ : YOU x_x
Support for toph.co is added
New version that is much better about dealing with various errors (compilation errors, you already submitted this code, contest ended, source limit exceeded, etc.). Also a link to the submission is now printed to terminal for convenience.
When the result is compilation error, it is not showing up on terminal. Terminal is stuck at
. What could be the reason and how to resolve it?For which site? And make sure you've updated the tool
for codeforces, command
submitter https://codeforces.me/contest/2039/problem/C2 c++ d:/B.py
. B.py contains random c++ code which would not compile (submission).I fixed it and pushed fix to github, thank you
The tool is updated, I installed it half an hour ago.
Congratulations on reaching IGM!
New version:
I was looking for one after cf tool died. Thanks and hope you can link it with CP Editor.