Exciting New Opportunity For Beginner Coders to Recieve Free Help From a IOI Winner and Red Coder

Revision en1, by HIGGIGIGgugig, 2025-03-04 23:47:45

Want to get help from one of the top competitive programmers on the site? PurpleCrayon is an IOI winner and a red coder on this site and he is trying to give back to the community by opening his dms to ANYONE who has ANY QUESTIONS, no matter your skill level. Just DM him on Codeforces or on Discord. Keep in mind he gets a lot of questions, so if you want your question answered sooner then just send him the question a lot of times.

He's looking very forward to answering any of your questions!

Tags purplecrayonorz


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en1 English HIGGIGIGgugig 2025-03-04 23:47:45 614 Initial revision (published)