How to be better at coding ?

Revision en1, by Mariam_darwish, 2025-02-11 21:10:37

Hello CODEFORCES! I'm finding a problem with improving(I want to higher my rate) while keeping up with my life(studying ,sport , hanging out...). I started to use USACO GUIDE , I know It's helpful ,but I sometimes find It a little hard .

Sooo... if anyone got any ideas to tell me how they improve cuz I'm still a Nebie :(


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English Mariam_darwish 2025-02-11 21:12:54 1 Tiny change: 'still a Nebie :(\n--' -> 'still a Newbie :(\n--'
en1 English Mariam_darwish 2025-02-11 21:10:37 373 Initial revision (published)