Hello, Codeforces!
It's been a long journey, and I'm finally pleased to invite you to participate in our Codeforces Round 955 (Div. 2, with prizes from NEAR!), which will take place on Jun/25/2024 17:35 (Moscow time).
This round will be rated for all participants with a rating of 2100 or below. Participants with higher ratings can participate out of competition.
During the round, you will need to solve 6 problems. You will have 2 hours to solve them.
The problems for the round were prepared by nik1998, egor4444ik and iamdimonis.
We sincerely thank everyone who provided invaluable assistance in preparing this round:
- Our insightful coordinator RedMachine-74 for excellent communication, helpful advice and assistance in problem preparation!
- Kolychestiy for improving one of the problems.
- EJIC_B_KEDAX, A_G, zwezdinv for red testing.
- Kolychestiy, CSQ31, dope, sadness, harsh__h, meowcneil for yellow testing.
- onlytrall, veleboks, zarubin, robotolev, TimVen74 for purple testing.
- Alenochka, LightSky, Chugunov_Alexander, slash0t, PoDuReMaN, katzi, Vamperox for blue testing.
- Matrosk1n, bessarab, dariasaligina, GRIVA_, viteli, dazlersan1 for cyan testing.
- Kirillar2, _supersonic_, dan00ile for green testing.
- venlesN for gray testing.
- MikeMirzayanov for the wonderful Codeforces and Polygon systems.
Wishing everyone good luck and high ratings!
UPD: Let's continue the series of announcements with a photo of the authors :)