shorya1835's blog

By shorya1835, 39 hours ago, In English



B - Birthdays!!!

Code(By IceKnight1093)

Thanks to IceKnight1093 for the latter solution.

C - Harmonic Grids


D - Guess the permutation


E - Easiest Problem


F - Permaban


G - Divine Powers

Code (Mobius Inversion)

H - Klein Moretti's Riddle


I - Min Xor Subarray


J - Alice and Bob


K - Land Distribution


L - Tree Harmony

Code (Probalistic)
Code (Deterministic by Arpa)

M - Alternating sum


N - Maximize Minimum Mex


Thanks to Arpa for making video solutions of the problems. You can refer to them here.

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Tutorial of Insomnia 2025
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By shorya1835, 8 days ago, In English

Greetings, Codeforces Community!

We, the Programming and Algorithms Group, are excited to invite you to our upcoming event, Insomnia 2025! This event is proudly sponsored by Hilabs as our title sponsor, with support from our cherished alumni as co-sponsors.



Insomnia 2025 is an ICPC style team contest where you would be given 10-15 problems in the span of 5 hours, for teams of at most 3 members.

Only teams comprising of Indian Undergraduate or Postgraduate students are eligible for prizes, but everyone is welcome to participate. It is compulsory to register on Unstop to be eligible for prizes.

Prize Distribution


None of this would have been possible without the support of sponsors.

  • HiLabs: Our Title Sponsor, Health Innovation Labs is an leading AI-powered Health Tech company that delivers technology with the ROI — Return On Intelligence — that health plans need and better access to care. They specialize in converting dirty data into a valuable resource for improving member experiences and increasing efficiency, and they do it on day one,  so health plans can magnify the power of data to improve member experiences and deliver results. You can visit them here.
  • PAG Alumni: Thanks to our dear Alumni for contributing to the event as our co-sponsors.

Organizing Team

Good Luck!!!

UPD 1: The contest is up for registeration now!!! Please note that the usage of AI tools in any way is completely prohibited and will lead to disqualification.

Also, one or more problem can be interactive. So, refer to this blog for more details on how to submit interactive problems.

Please make sure to use fast input/output in your code at all times. For example in C++, The following line should be there:

ios_base::sync_with_stdio(false);cin.tie(NULL); cout.tie(NULL);

UPD 2:

Thanks to everyone for participating, we have removed a lot of AI and plag submissions during contest and will keep checking the submissions and verify the winners. Also, kudos to jtnydv25, for full solve and scaring the s__t out of us by solving M in 19 mins.

I apologize for the AI solutions in H, it was a last minute change and we didn't check it thoroughly, but we have gone through submissions and removed a lot of them which were clearly AI Solves.

Video Sol by Arpa. We will also post an official text editorial soon.

UPD 3:

We have posted an official text editorial here.

We have our midterm exams incoming, so, final result will take sometime as we are yet to run some checks.

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Announcement of Insomnia 2025
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By shorya1835, history, 3 months ago, In English

Hi Everyone,

The selection list for all the Indian regionals are out. I wanted to know more about the teams participating in the competition.

Please feel free to comment the regionals you have qualified for, the location you will be visiting and your teammates. Try to mention something interesting about your team.

For ex: (some prompts from previous years)

  • Something interesting about a teammate or your past performance OR
  • Your rival team whom you would like to challenge
  • Preferences in problemset (eg. all geometry problems). (The authors are likely to see these requests and double down on your weaknesses) OR
  • What will you do if you AK the problemset in 3 hours

Looking forward to meet many people in the community!

P.S. I was surprised no one made this post till now.

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