Hi Everyone,
The selection list for all the Indian regionals are out. I wanted to know more about the teams participating in the competition.
Please feel free to comment the regionals you have qualified for, the location you will be visiting and your teammates. Try to mention something interesting about your team.
For ex: (some prompts from previous years)
- Something interesting about a teammate or your past performance OR
- Your rival team whom you would like to challenge
- Preferences in problemset (eg. all geometry problems). (The authors are likely to see these requests and double down on your weaknesses) OR
- What will you do if you AK the problemset in 3 hours
Looking forward to meet many people in the community!
P.S. I was surprised no one made this post till now.
Team : 'hehe i do cp' from IIT Roorkee
Members : D1orite, AKSLEGION and shorya1835
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita and Chennai, Locations : Bangalore, Chennai
Rivals : None right now
Preferences in problemset : No proof by accepted problems
Damn, your team looks pretty fire. All the best for regionals :).
Thankss man
Team : takeabyte from Jadavpur University
Members : twoplusthree, om_mittal7 and VS-Codes
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita and Kanpur | Locations : Bangalore, Kanpur
Rivals : IRCTC (yet again)
Preferences in problemset : twoplusthree hates constructives, om_mittal7 hates constructives, and VS-Codes hates constructives
rivals irctc :)
btw i just checked 2 days back a special train had been released, our team got confirmed tickets through that special train, maybe check
our center is kollam
Ended up taking flight tickets, since did not get any confirmed tickets to coimbatore from mumbai, should have waited a bit more :/.
Team AamPanna from IIT Roorkee
Members: ho-oh, Rushit27, m4nd4lori4n
Regionals: Qualified for Kanpur and Amritapuri(Bangalore site).
Rivals: hehe i do cp
Preferences in Problemset: ho-oh likes everything except maths, Rushit27 and m4nd4lori4n likes everything.
Team: SubtasksWhere from IIIT Hyderabad
Members: shiven,SmolBrain and hariaakash646
Regionals: Qualified for Amritapuri(Kollam) and Kanpur.
Story behind team name: All of us participated in OI.
Only SmolBrain participated in IOI.Problems there have subtasks. Here no subtasks. We cry and ask SubtasksWhere. (Though doesn't matter for SmolBrain. He always insta ACs problems.)Preferences in problemset: Subtasks :( (Where?)
your team gonna be at the top
They didn't even need to mention any rivals
If they win at both Kanpur and Amritapuri, will the number 2 team from Amritapuri get the direct qual to wf 🤔 ?
Happened in 2021. According to that, no.
It was mentioned in the Amrita awards ceremony that year that the Amrita rank 2 would also get a direct spot. But ofc with Indian ICPC, the rules are never perfectly clear, and we never know what would have happened if they had messed up Asia West
Team: "whitepilled again" from IIIT Bangalore
Members: negative-xp, Final_Track, shlokagrawal
Regionals: Amritapuri (amritapuri), Chennai
Team: TreepyTreaps from Pandit Deendayal Energy University
Members: Fenrirr, aadi_ish and aayush_bg
Regionals: Qualified for Amritapuri (Kollam)
Rivals: XoRiers
Preferences in problemset : Number theory, heavy implementation based problems
Team: 100sage from IIT Hyderabad
Members: goats_9, SaltyDonut and weirdflexbutok
Regionals: Qualified for Amrita and Chennai, Locations : Kollam and Chennai
Rivals: ethOS, from IIT Hyderabad
Preferences in problemset: Only Flows and Game Theory Problems, so that SaltyDonut can AK in 3 hours and we can nap during the contest.
can prepare for AKing WFs during the contest*
When are you doing PhD?
Team: ethOS from IIT Hyderabad
Members: envariant, Tuhil and hemanth6
Regionals: Qualified for Amrita and Chennai, Locations : Kollam and Chennai
Rivals: 100sage, from IIT Hyderabad
Preferences in problemset: No Flows or Game Theory Problems, so that SaltyDonut can't AK in 3 hours and 100sage can't nap during the contest.
Team : Haigure Haigure from Scaler School Of Technology
Members : sojabhai, wiseeldrich2004 and 73501
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita and Chennai, Locations : Kollam, Chennai
Preferences in problemset : Less code more logic
Team: "assert(rand())" from IIIT Bangalore
Members: kHarsh3715 HelioSpookk serialcomder
Regionals: Qualified for Amrita and Kanpur, Locations : Kollam, Kanpur
Rival: ChatGpt
Preferences: Anything from this
orz, hope you finally get to use the Lucas Theorem
Team-Name: Bugs sabke niklenge from I.E.T. Lucknow
Regionals Qualified: Kanpur and Amritapuri ( Bengaluru site )
Teammates: Abhishek_Srivastava, LessThanExpert, vanshmotwani16
We are on a mission to debug the leaderboard — one problem at a time. Our team-name is both a battle cry and a guarantee: "Bugs sabke niklenge" (yes, even yours, problem-setters).
What if we AK in 3 hours?: We’ll host a debugging workshop for all the other teams. After all, “Bugs sabke niklenge”!
Looking forward to catching up with everyone at Kanpur and Bengaluru.
Team : BowBow from IIIT Lucknow
Members : AlphaGaurav, atharv_tiwari and AnikateKoul
Regionals : Qualified for Amritapuri (Kollam site) and Chennai
TEAM :"queue underflow"
members:noob_Hakur naresh50 vibhu_k2003
regionals: Qualified for Amritapuri and kanpur,locations:coimbatore and kanpur
Preferences in problem set: Anything works since we don't know much—we're just silly noobs :(
Team:'Fast Funk Transform' from IIT Dhanbad
Members:moradiya84 Vaid23 devansh789
Regionals: Qualified for Chennai.
Story behind teamName: We wanted to name our team after some hardcore algorithm(that we actually know lol) and wanted the name to be 'Fast Fcuk Transform' but we changed it in fear that might get banned due to NFW stuff.
Preferences in Problemset: obviously,FFT:). Hope to connect with folks coming to chennai
FFT ka sawal banana he , DFS to paheli baar me sahi call hoti nahi he hum se
itna sach bhi nahi bolna tha bhai.
Team: "FFT" from IIIT Delhi
Members: p1k4 PQ2876 AnirudhBharatiya
Regionals: Amritapuri(Bengaluru) and Chennai
Preference: No FFT
Team: 'Hope_is_hard' from VJTI Mumbai
Members: hewhocodes, amalverma and bingo
Regionals: Amrita (Bangalore) (got selected for Kanpur but couldn't wage war against irctc)
Rivals: Wowwies (just jenil0108) from DJ Sanghvi
Fun fact: I participated in a solo offline contest and got 3rd when there were prizes for top 2. Next I participated in team contest and got 4th but prizes were till 3rd. Next I participated in a Duo contest and got 4th yet again. jenil0108 won all of them.
Team: way2AC from IIT Gandhinagar
Members: nishuz, Ruchit1 and Karan-Gandhi
Regionals: Qualified for Amritapuri (Kollam) and Chennai
Rivals: way2WA
Preferences in problemset: Any optimization from here
Team : We_only_know_BruteForce from Nirma University
Members :Pal_J, Dhruvin_Savla and Darshil
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita and Chennai, Locations : Bangalore, Chennai
Rivals : None right now
Preferences in problemset : Pal_J likes Maths (hates ad-hoc) Dhruvin_Savla likes Graph (hates nothing) and Darshil doesn't know anything (trusts his both teammates :))
Team : Alien X from IET Lucknow
Members : Cannonbolt2704 , jai_hanumant and AmitPandey-AP
Reigonals : Chennai (Qualified for Amritapuri but not going)
Team Segmentation Assault
Members: formidablechief27, sr71_blackbird, superrfluid
Regionals: Amritapuri Kollam
Rivals: Failure
Preferences in Problemset: Data Structure Implementation Problems, Math / Bits Derivation Problems
chief_27 sr71_blackbird SuperrFluid
Yayy, my template got reused. Curiously, all the times such a blog post was made, the poster went to the WF. Let’s see how long this lasts :)
One can only hope
Team : 'Debugging Ducks' from NIT Calicut
Members : crescentp2003, kkoushik5656 and adithya_narisipilli
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita Location : Kollam
Rivals : None right now
Preferences in problemset : Graphs
Team Name : 'Team Teleforces' from IIT Patna
Members : roshanVerma, Edward4762 and jat.arc2004
Regionals : Qualified for Amrita and Kanpur, Locations : Bengaluru, Kanpur
Rivals : ChatGPT and Telegram (obviously we deliberately decided our Team Name XD)
Preferences in Problemset : DP, DP and only DP ;)
Team: Mamba_Out from NIT Hamirpur
Members: astitva_15, rehanmm, tyagi_Aryan
Regionals: Qualified for Amritapuri, Location: Bangalore