mac_n_cheese_pog's blog

By mac_n_cheese_pog, history, 4 years ago, In English

i have found my real problem in cp.not dp not implementation but more like psychological effect.i dont really know if a blog similar to this exist but im just going to make one anyway.

it all started on my first ccontest on other judge.where i felt confident enough to solve 3 problems.without any knowledge on any this time i just learnt how to take sum of multiple numbers.

long story short,the contest started.i immediately do problem was pretty i come to problem looks pretty easy so i immediately first i cant implement i did a quick google search.i found one solution but it didnt fit time was linear search.after long time,i decided to give up and see the editorial.i found out that it needed n log n binary search or two pointers.i felt really sad.failed to solve 3 problems like what i expected.

then i joined codeforces.after reading some binary search and done a few problems i joined another contest.i thought the previous one was just a bad day for me.but turns out i was still unable to do problem was really hard like it looks easy if u do it on paper but for coding part,rlly hard ngl.

this cycle continues until now and idk what to do.even on practice i feel scared of trying 1300+ like i know that my solution will fail and eventually waste my time.while in contrary if u dont try u wont be able to do it.

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4 years ago, # |
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just git gud, n00b

well, for anyone who wants a serious answer, I think to be able to solve Div2 C, 1300 isn't really good enough, it should be around 1500-1600, and you should also be able to solve Div2 A and B with speed

4 years ago, # |
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Solving A2OJ ladder of difficulty 1400-1500 might help Link. Also learn topics as you encounter them like binary search, simple DP, DFS/BFS (Most of the time, Div2 B-C are of these topics)

4 years ago, # |
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4 years ago, # |
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but i'm scared of b