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dapingguo8's blog

By dapingguo8, 5 years ago, In English

If you submit in C++ and your code is getting WA or RE, you won't receive the verdict immediately, and your code will run in diagnostics mode very slowly.

Usually I don't want to waste time in that run, so in the past I chose 64-bit C++17 in order to get rid of it.

But for now, 64-bit C++17 will also run in diagnostics mode if we gets WA/RE. I don't mean that's bad, but is there any way to disable diagnostics run (only for myself)? If not, then can there be a function like this?

I think there can also be a way, which is if we get WA/RE, display the verdict immediately, and then silently run the diagnostics. MikeMirzayanov please consider about it, really thanks. OK, now diagnostic works exactly like this. Really thanks for your hardwork, codeforces

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5 years ago, # |
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I think you can disable it by going to settings > general, in the bottom right there is an option "Show Diagnostics".

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    5 years ago, # ^ |
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    That didn't work, sorry

    It still do the diagnostics run, but the "!" symbol won't appear

    And...oh, I misspelled all the "diagnostics" XD

    Anyway, thanks for your reply :D