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gorbunov's blog

By gorbunov, history, 8 years ago, In English

Hello the community,

I want to invite you to take part in the Topcoder Open '17 Marathon competition.

The first round is about to start tomorrow, April 12 at 17:00 UTC, and will last for 2 weeks.

There is a short article from our long-time marathoner, wleite, who describes why you definitely should participate.

As one of the bloggers this year, I wrote some introductory articles you may also want to check:

Marathon Challenges: An Introduction

Approaching A Marathon Match Task, Pt. 1

Final Results Of Marathon Match 93

Note that this year the rules have changed quite a bit, I encourage you to read them if you plan to participate.

UPDATE: The contest is postponed to 21:00 EST today (25:00 UTC).

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8 years ago, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by gorbunov (previous revision, new revision, compare).

8 years ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +21 Vote: I do not like it

Round 1 GraphDrawing has started. I am the writer, and I hope you enjoy the problem :-)

This match has DS Challenge #4 associated with the first half of it: the person whose score at Marathon Round 1 mid-point is the closest to the average of all full submission scores will get a TCO'17 t-shirt!

(DS Challenge #5 will also feature this match, so stay tuned)

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    8 years ago, # ^ |
      Vote: I like it +5 Vote: I do not like it

    I might be doing something wrong, but I went to the problem link you provided, clicked on "Register & Rules" and it shows an error :( I've tried a bunch of times today, with the same outcome... any idea what to do?

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      8 years ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +10 Vote: I do not like it

      I've just tried to register for the match from that link and succeeded, but I'm using old interface whenever possible. There is an issue with registration which support is reportedly trying to resolve now.

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      8 years ago, # ^ |
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      The issue is supposed to be fixed; can you try again?

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    8 years ago, # ^ |
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    Neither can I register nor can I see the registrants list. It redirects me to login which directs me to my dashboard!

8 years ago, # |
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DS Challenge #5 will be giving the t-shirt to the competitor who has the shortest code in the top half of the scoreboard (in the final standings).

The Marathon ends on April 26th, so there's still time to participate :-)

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    8 years ago, # ^ |
    Rev. 2   Vote: I like it +5 Vote: I do not like it

    Shortest code by number of lines or by size? Because I'm confident I can win the former :D

    UPD: I'm up for longest or slowest too. Or maybe a "best troll" prize.

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      8 years ago, # ^ |
        Vote: I like it +5 Vote: I do not like it

      Number of non-whitespace characters (so you don't have to give up indentation). Fortunately for the scoring, Topcoder doesn't support Whitespace as submission language :-)