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Topcoder Open '17: Marathon Matches

Revision en2, by gorbunov, 2017-04-12 21:22:46

Hello the community,

I want to invite you to take part in the Topcoder Open '17 Marathon competition.

The first round is about to start tomorrow, April 12 at 17:00 UTC, and will last for 2 weeks.

There is a short article from our long-time marathoner, wleite, who describes why you definitely should participate.

As one of the bloggers this year, I wrote some introductory articles you may also want to check:

Marathon Challenges: An Introduction

Approaching A Marathon Match Task, Pt. 1

Final Results Of Marathon Match 93

Note that this year the rules have changed quite a bit, I encourage you to read them if you plan to participate.

UPDATE: The contest is postponed to 21:00 EST today (25:00 UTC).


  Rev. Lang. By When Δ Comment
en2 English gorbunov 2017-04-12 21:22:46 72
en1 English gorbunov 2017-04-11 11:53:47 1029 Initial revision (published)