MiptLited's blog

By MiptLited, 13 years ago, translation, In English

Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (State University) and Moscow State University with the support of Yandex и Russian Agency for Development of Information Society organize Moscow Summer Programming Training. The training will take place in MIPT between 27th June and 4th July 2012.

It will be based on MIPT, which team for the first time has won the gold medal final at the ACM ICPC 2012 in Warsaw. Nonresident members will be accommodated in the hostel superior number 9 for 2-4 persons and provided with three meals in the dining room MIPT.

The program covers eight days, including daily educational contests (planned 3-4 5-hour contest on the version command ACM ICPC, thematical contests, team and individual contests, blitz), analyzes of problems, practice, lectures by leading experts in IT technologies. Among the speakers there will be the winners of programming competitions, the employees of the company "Yandex".

The payment is

  • 11 200 rubles per foreign participant (includes accommodation);

  • 8000 rubles per person from Moscow or Moscow region.

It includes accommodation in the 9th hostel of MIPT (for foreign participants) and meals. In addition, each team or individual participant should bring a laptop (with support of WI-FI).

Interested participants and teams should pre-register here http://fivt.fizteh.ru/tsrito/summer_training/ until June 23, 2012. Please note that the number of places available is limited.

For further information, please call +79160150802 or email [email protected]

Directions: http://phystech.edu/about/coord.html

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13 years ago, # |
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What is the language of problems, lectures, and analysis? Are they in Russian or English?