eduardische's blog

By eduardische, 10 years ago, In English

The official participant list has been released in the IOI Database (list of contestants, list of delegations).

The data is obtained from the IOI registration system and is accurate at the time of writing. Should any changes/additions occur, I will try to update them in the timely manner.

Where applicable, the photos of the participants of IOI 2015 are also available. Note that permission is required in the registration system to publish any contestant's photo, so where no permission was granted, either a photo from previous IOI(s) was used or no photo is available at all. Again, more permissions may be granted in the future and I will try to update them in the timely manner.

Finally, I have also pulled Codeforces handles from a thread by Azret. I would like to thank him for maintaining it. For the rest of contestants, please feel free to add those in the database if you have such knowledge.

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10 years ago, # |
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85 countries , 327 contestants!

10 years ago, # |
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Is it possible to add a feature to view maximum Codeforces rating of a participant at the time of the Olympiad? (To see how John Doe did on Codeforces when he got silver medat at IOI 2048).

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    10 years ago, # ^ |
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    I don't want to add it as a part of the website, because current/maximum ratings do not represent a lot in relation to IOI. Sure, you can get some information from them, but some people do not participate often, so they rating is undeservingly low or we are missing data completely. While I'm fine with linking Codeforces accounts, I wouldn't want to accent the rating aspect or allow sorting by it.

    Having said that, I am not personally against these rankings, and I would love to see someone make one (I don't have enough time on my hands right now) — I believe the HTML for contestant lists is parseable enough and you can get ratings from Codeforces API — but I just think that there is no place for them on the official IOI domain.

    Although it is interesting on what rating to use — pure maximum is bad because of the fact that it might have been 3 years ago, current rating is bad, because the contestant might have been on a lucky/unlucky streak; so if someone does it, I would suggest an average weighted by the age of the rating over the last 5-10 rating changes or something along these lines.

10 years ago, # |
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As a couple of people have asked me, here is the current policy on requests modifying IOI 2015 photos:

  • If it is a contestant's photo for whom no permission was given during IOI registration, the request will be put on hold until IOI 2015, where I hope this issue will be discussed.
  • For others the request will be granted as long as the photo is acceptable*.

*) The definition of acceptable isn't available anywhere outside of my head, the general rule of thumb — the closer the structure of it looks like the passport photo (I don't mind clothing, hats etc. — I'm more interested about what is visible on the photo), the better it is. Any photo where the person's body is fully visible will be rejected as it will be absolutely pointless when resized down to 180px in height.

10 years ago, # |
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Do you guys know if there will be a live scoreboard? If yes, can you give me a link, please? :)

10 years ago, # |
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Have any details about the IOI Live Stream been released ?

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    10 years ago, # ^ |
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    According to the information I have, there will be no live video stream this year.