Блог пользователя mainnahihoo

Автор mainnahihoo, история, 9 часов назад, По-английски

Like in this days i was observing that the div 2 b question language they are making harder that is irrelevant , like see this question 2078B - Vicious Labyrinth and this one also 2075C - Two Colors , like in both question i was not able to know the question propelry how i can get to the correct approach please tell like in this question 2078B - Vicious Labyrinth , there is no mention of how the neighbour is spreading so everybody thinks like just take the max of sum of k+1 element , please reply don't judge me based on my rating please , and sorry for poor english

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6 часов назад, # |
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Hell obvious you should quit CP.

By *mainnahihoo, contest: Codeforces Round 998 (Div. 3), problem: (D) Subtract Min Sort,


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5 часов назад, # |
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we wouldn't judge based on your rating, but you whine like your rating.

5 часов назад, # |
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That Is the point. You should have the habilite of identify the problema, in real life, not aleays there Will be a explícito Situation ans a guide step a step, so here we improving our analitic thinking with práctica

about B problem