Блог пользователя meligy122

Автор meligy122, история, 8 часов назад, По-английски

I decided to write for you some jokes as a reward for your efforts on Codeforces :)

  • Why did the bitwise operator feel powerful? Because it could shift anything.

  • Why did the dynamic programmer fail his test? He forgot to memorize his answers.

  • Why did the recursion go to therapy? It kept calling itself.

  • Why don't developers use elevators? They're afraid of infinite loops.

  • Why did the debugging session take so long? Because the bug had a recursive nature.

  • Why did the competitive programmer get kicked out of the bakery? He kept greedily taking all the bread.

If I succeeded in changing your mood, please give me an upvote :)

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  • +34
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8 часов назад, # |
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8 часов назад, # |
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How about this one, Q. What is the difference between C++ and C? CPers:- Just 1.

8 часов назад, # |
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Get this guy to Specialist, NOW.

7 часов назад, # |
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Another one:

Why did the programmer bury his roots? Square root decomposition

6 часов назад, # |
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LOL hahah

5 часов назад, # |
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Why did Jeff Dean's coding speed increased more than 20 times than before by the end of 2000?

He got a keyboard with USB-2.0 on it.

(As far as I know in Jeff Dean's Jokes, he could 'type' an executable file faster than the compiler.)

88 минут назад, # |
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the elephant in the room