gatrmani's blog

By gatrmani, 12 hours ago, In English

Competitive programming is growing very slowly, and I think it is due to the fact that the top competitive programmers like tourist never create content on YouTube or other social media websites. If tourist just posted videos of himself doing contests, he would get thousands of views because people would be impressed at how good he is. Some of these viewers would probably even start doing competitive programming themselves just because of his videos, so posting videos consistently would be a great way to grow the sport.

Is it because tourist doesn't realize the amount of power he has to make competitive programming more popular? He probably could have prevented Google Code Jam from being discontinued if he had helped Google make more money by getting more people interested in competitive programming.

Also, look at other sports like chess: the top players all produce content that helps promote the sport. We also need top competitive programmers to do the same before every big competition gets discontinued!

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11 hours ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +6 Vote: I do not like it

CP might not be popular, but it is definitely not something that's unheard of. The reason why it's not popular is not because people aren't aware of its existence, more because of CP is too demanding and quite overwhelming for new users, and most people would rather invest their time in something else. If tourist started posting videos of himself doing contests, people would just give up faster after seeing the unfathomable difference in skills.

9 hours ago, # |
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Videos and streams won't bring newcomers to start CP. Many rankers, like jiangly, have proved that.

9 hours ago, # |
Rev. 2   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it

It is not true what you're saying — tourist has a youtube channel, and sometimes uploads him doing contests, however it's not very regular. Also I think just hating on him isn't gonna change anything, and other comments also point other things that are wrong. Unfortunetly there is a lot of useless blogs like this recently.