Блог пользователя RPdreamer

Автор RPdreamer, история, 3 часа назад, По-английски

Hello. i am a new user in Codeforces and i'm not very clear about the rules of codeforces.

I can see we will have two contests in tomorrow at the same time

Can I participate them both?

(excuse my poor english)

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3 часа назад, # |
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Auto comment: topic has been updated by RPdreamer (previous revision, new revision, compare).

3 часа назад, # |
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no first u have to reach on level of tourist only after that u can take participate in contests

3 часа назад, # |
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Participate in div 3 and 4 now and once you get comfortable you can participate in any contest, no one's gonna stop.

Check out the templates of others. If you use c++ cool if java you can check others(as i struggled in this). Use public before declaring class to run java codes.

For rules check out Link

Hope it helps

2 часа назад, # |
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Only Div.2

2 часа назад, # |
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No, you cannot participate in both contests. Based on your rating you can participate in the Div. 2 contest. Everyone can only participate in one of those two contests.

The Div. 1 is a harder contest and the Div. 2 is an easier contest. Some of the problems are the same between the contests, but the Div. 2 has easy problems at the start that are not in Div. 1 and Div. 1 has hard problems at the end that are not in Div. 2.

2 часа назад, # |
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So, the answer is that sometimes a div1 and div2 round happen at the same time. In this case if your rating is <1900 you are allowed in div2 and otherwise in div1. You will observe this if you try and register at the div1 contest.

89 минут назад, # |
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The funny thing is many people are taking this post seriously. Don't you see he is one of the famous negative contributors of this era and you people are answering the queries lol.

15 минут назад, # |
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Hi RP dreamer, haven't seen your post in a while. I guess you would be on read only mode again LOL