RPdreamer's blog

By RPdreamer, history, 2 days ago, In English

I want to make a vote like this.

Can somebody teach me? Thanks.

(If you teach me I'll upvote all your blogs and comments).

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By RPdreamer, history, 3 days ago, In English

Hello everybody! I'm going to write a report about the contribution score.

Complex and opaque scoring mechanism

  • Difficult to accurately grasp:The calculation method of the contribution score is rather complex, and the official has not provided a very clear and detailed explanation. It depends on the "response" of the blogs written by users and the comments made on other blogs. However, the specific weights and algorithms are unclear. Users have difficulty knowing exactly how to increase their contribution scores, nor do they know how much impact their actions will have on the contribution scores.
  • Subject to subjective factors:The contribution score is highly dependent on the voting of other users. User voting is highly subjective. Due to personal preferences, differences in opinions, etc., a blog or comment with good content quality may receive a low score, and vice versa. As a result, the contribution score cannot accurately reflect the actual contribution of users.

    Limited demonstration of user ability

  • Does not reflect algorithmic level:Codeforces is mainly an algorithmic competition platform. The core abilities of users are reflected in aspects such as algorithm design, code implementation, and the speed of problem — solving. The contribution score has no direct relation to these core abilities and cannot intuitively reflect the algorithmic programming level of users. For example, a user with a high contribution score may not perform well in algorithmic competitions, and conversely, a user with strong algorithmic abilities may have a low contribution score.
  • Unrelated to competition results:In Codeforces competitions, what determines the ranking and rewards is the performance in solving problems, time used, and Hacking during the competition. These have no direct relation to the contribution score. The competition ranking and the change in Rating are the direct manifestations of the strength of contestants in the competition and are more closely watched.
  • As a student,our main goal is to improve CP ability but not socializing.

    Indirect influence on the community

  • Not the only indicator of community activity:Although the contribution score can reflect the user's activity level and degree of recognition in the community to a certain extent, it is not the only indicator. Users can build their reputation in the community by actively participating in discussions, sharing high — quality code and problem — solving ideas. Even if the contribution score is low, they may still become respected and influential members in the community.
  • Difficult to convert into practical value:A high contribution score does not necessarily bring practical benefits to users, such as priority participation in competitions, access to special resources or permissions. Unlike in some other communities, a high contribution value may bring more privileges or benefits.

What I want to express from this post is:

  • Ignore your contribution score,don't metion downvotes,say whatever you like.

  • Improve your CP ability instead of doing nonsense.

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By RPdreamer, history, 5 days ago, In English

can somebody tell me how to reach pupil,I tried very hard but can't even AC a *800 problem in div.2


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By RPdreamer, history, 7 days ago, In English

the contributor list said my contribution score is -65,but my profile said my score is -66.

what's wrong

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By RPdreamer, history, 10 days ago, In English
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By RPdreamer, history, 13 days ago, In English

I tried @tourist ,but it didn't work.

upd:i asked gpt but it still didn't work.can somebody give me the markdown?i'll be very thankful

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By RPdreamer, history, 2 weeks ago, In English
using namespace std;
#define int long long
const int N=2E5+5,MOD=1LL<<32;struct tree{int l,r,sum,lcm;}t[N<<2];int a[N];int lcm(int x,int y){return x/__gcd(x,y)*y;}void pushup(int u){int l=u<<1,r=u<<1|1;t[u].sum=(t[l].sum+t[r].sum)%MOD;t[u].lcm=lcm(t[l].lcm,t[r].lcm);}void build(int u,int l,int r){t[u].l=l,t[u].r=r;if(l==r){t[u].sum=t[u].lcm=a[l];return;}int mid=(l+r)>>1;build(u<<1,l,mid);build(u<<1|1,mid+1,r);pushup(u);return;}void update(int u,int l,int r,int x){if(x%t[u].lcm==0)return;if(t[u].l==t[u].r){t[u].sum=t[u].lcm=__gcd(t[u].sum,x);return;}int mid=(t[u].l+t[u].r)>>1;if(l<=mid)update(u<<1,l,r,x);if(r>mid)update(u<<1|1,l,r,x);pushup(u);return;}int query(int u,int l,int r){if(l<=t[u].l&&t[u].r<=r)return t[u].sum;int mid=(t[u].l+t[u].r)>>1,ans=0;if(l<=mid)ans=(ans+query(u<<1,l,r))%MOD;if(r>mid)ans=(ans+query(u<<1|1,l,r))%MOD;return ans;}signed main(){int n,m,op,l,r,x;cin>>n>>m;for(int i=1;i<=n;++i)cin>>a[i];build(1,1,n);while(m--){cin>>op>>l>>r;if(op==1){cin>>x;update(1,l,r,x);}else{cout<<query(1,l,r)<<endl;}}return 0;}

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By RPdreamer, history, 3 weeks ago, In English
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By RPdreamer, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

qp and orz have the same meanings.

but why people who send orz usually get upvotes:


and people who send qp always get downvotes.

upd: Gramma Error found in the title(excuse my poor grammar)

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By RPdreamer, history, 4 weeks ago, In English

rt.His contribution score is +250,much higher than +169.

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