Ibrahimfostok's blog

By Ibrahimfostok, history, 2 hours ago, In English

Does anyone facing an issue with the standings page ?

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2 hours ago, # |
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Yup It always puts me at the bottom):

115 minutes ago, # |
Rev. 4   Vote: I like it 0 Vote: I do not like it


For example, in Codeforces Round 1009 (Div. 3), the official standing of me myself should be the 5816th according to the common standing page, but the friends standing says I rank the 7021st. The rank goes back to #7021 when I'm navigated to the contest page via the link in rating change figure.

I don't know why but I just took it as a display bug, but the rating changes also said that I rank #7021.

  • »
    57 minutes ago, # ^ |
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    On Edu/Div.3/Div.4 the main standings only show trusted participants. Including rated participants that are not trusted, your rank is #7021. Without them, your rank is #5816.