RPdreamer's blog

By RPdreamer, history, 15 hours ago, In English

Sir explain the question on the title...

AI is developing rapidly. The ability of AI to solve problems will eventually surpass ours,even tourist. at that time,people will use AI to solve problems instead of we guys.

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15 hours ago, # |
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As Indians we learn cp to crack the coding round of college placements which is the most difficult round of every company. Some start loving this and so continue doing cp even after getting placed. There is no need to do cp if someone is not interested in it. AI is never a problem. Even robots can read and memorize books faster than us, but people still read books for the sake of their interest.

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    14 hours ago, # ^ |
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    One of the best analogy used, well explained Mayank.

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    14 hours ago, # ^ |
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    As Indians we cheat cp to crack the coding round of college placements which is the most difficult round of every company. Some start loving this and so continue cheating cp even after getting placed. There is no need to cheat cp if someone is not interested in it. AI is never a problem. Even robots can read and memorize books faster than us, but people still read books for the sake of their interest.

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      13 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Bro bro not all IITs are like Kharagpur.In Guwahati and in BHU proctoring is very strict. They tell us to keep our phones inside bags and bags outside the hall. Also, if you switch tabs during tests (even by mistake) you are disqualified from the backend, especially from HackerRank/hackerearth. And if you try remote access or sending screenshots to the your friends, these coding platforms easily detect all that kind of stuff. So the safest option is phones, which is cut off. And IIT KGP has long roots in cheating (and so were banned for Inter IIT for a year) so you guys please don't think OAs are easy in other colleges if it is easy in yours.

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        10 hours ago, # ^ |
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        Sir I just found that your submissions were skipped. Kindly note that only cheaters have skipped questions sir. I will google more info about Guwahati cheaters on Codeforces. We are just doing our humble part as per our commitment to get a job please we are not different.

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          8 hours ago, # ^ |
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          My submissions got skipped in only 1 contest, and that was years ago, in which I submitted from my other account. I didn't know that using 2 accounts was illegal. I did it only for 1 contest and stopped doing that because I got a warning and was debarred from that contest.

          And the second time I got skipped because there was some user named waterloo or something. And both of our div2 B solutions had similar code, which was hardly 5-6 lines of code. U can check out my blogs. I have given links of both submissions claiming false plagiarism.

          And yeah, I am not the one who raised concerns about cheating in OA rounds of college. You're the one who said people in college cheat, which specifically points out that either u or ur friends did that during your placement/intern season.

          And I specifically don't believe there would be any blog dedicated to complaining against cheaters in any college.

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      6 hours ago, # ^ |
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      Please don't generalise every college to yours...I will be honest, I would have never started cp if cheating in OA rounds was easy. Plus the thing is if cheating is possible then everybody will cheat and ultimately it ends up becoming a time race or the most optimised code wins in which case the knowledge of cp will benefit

7 hours ago, # |
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What's the significance of negative contribution? pls tell me.

7 hours ago, # |
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what's the significance of posting useless shitty blogs?

You, explain the question on the title...