I am so much loving the fact how some newbies, pupils and specialists are solving in lighting speed with compilation errors and getting their accounts disabled lol. They won't be able to do even one percent of that without AI :)
If you are a cheater feel free to downvote cuz i don't care haha.
Actually, I don't think compilation errors are an accusation of cheating. Some contestants might use the strategy of submitting the first (few) problems without compiling to save time. If the code turns out to be accepted, that's some time saved. If not, their point for that problem is not deducted anyway.
But despite that, I still think that AI is playing an important role in online cheating on Codeforces (just like using Stockfish to cheat in online chess matches), and we should find a way to detect such cheaters
(P/s: Sorry for my bad English skills)
I think it's better to add small penalty for these submission. Few points/minutes.
(P/s: If I make a mistake in English please don't correct me I have no respect for this language❤ )
That's funny. What's your native language?
"Some contestants might use the strategy of submitting the first (few) problems without compiling to save time."
I don’t think Newbies can use this strategy effectively. They probably used AI.