wohkrishnahai's blog

By wohkrishnahai, history, 4 months ago, In English

I was new on Codeforces and thought that we can change our handle name later on, given that it was unique. But it seems like there is no way to do so after the first week of making the account. I searched for the same but was unable to find any recent blog about it. All I found was this one blog from around 12 years ago by phantom11 which stated that Codeforces was allowing users to change their handle for the first 10 days of that year. Does this still happen or we have to use the same handle for eternity?

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4 months ago, # |
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I hope this happens before Mike sees my handle.

4 months ago, # |
  Vote: I like it +3 Vote: I do not like it

Around new years I believe